News conference MBLT DEV 2018: Android-track

    Hi, Habr! I am Mikhail Barannikov, Android Team Lead in e-Legion and a member of the MBLT DEV 2018 Program Committee . While you are enjoying a holiday or an air conditioner in the office, we select the reports of the upcoming conference.

    Under the cut talk about cool speakers who have already confirmed their participation, and share the best, in my opinion, a report last year.

    Machine Learning, UI, Google Assistant

    Only the lazy one doesn’t talk about Machine Learning, and we’ll talk: Harshit Dwivedi will teach conference participants how to use the APIs available in the Firebase ML Kit.

    Artyom Rudoy will tell how Badoo implemented a single design system and accelerated the development of the UI, and at the same time achieved the best understanding between developers and designers.

    Dina Sidorova from Google will continue the trend of I / O 2018 and talk about the work of Google Assistant. By the way, Dinah has a question for you: what exactly would you be interested to hear about? Maybe there are questions about working with Actions on Google? Send questions , Dina will take them into account when preparing the report. Also at the conference we will learn how to apply Korutinas in a production project and how to refactor the current application into a new one, with a powerful and stable architecture.

    There will be not only reports

    We and partners of the conference hold quizzes and quests. In that year, I myself was preparing a quiz on Android-development, I plan to repeat in this. Prizes cool. For example, the annual subscription to all products JetBrains. Everyone can participate - sleight of hand and a little knowledge.

    Best report 2017

    Last year, the conference participants and I, together with them, evaluated the reports. Most of all I liked the speech from the developer from Uber. Zac Sweers talked about automation and code generation. I share the vidos.

    To study the report of Zack, you can use the article on Habré. Decryption prepared by my colleague Marat.

    Where is iOS?

    And he is not! But seriously, about my iOS track, my colleague Ilya Kulebyakin told in another article . Since the publication of iOS-speakers has become more, see the full list on the conference website .

    Pro tickets

    The ticket price will increase from July 28, so register now.

    By the way, we have prepared a letter template that will help convince the authorities that you should visit MBLT DEV 2018.

    See you on September 28 in Moscow!

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