One-page and SEO. Optimization secrets

    When you think about creating your first website or creating a new website, you have probably heard about single-page websites, or otherwise, “one-page” sites.

    Such sites consist of a single page and all the necessary information is available on it. Like other sites, they usually have a menu. However, when you click on menu items, you do not load new pages, but simply scroll to the desired section.

    Single-page sites are considered fashionable and modern - and that is why many companies choose them, rather than multi-page sites. However, single pages have a set of flaws, one of which is SEO. Therefore, choosing a site for your company and business, you must weigh the pros and cons.

    In the article I will try to help with the choice, as well as reveal some of the secrets of SEO odnostranichnikov.

    1. Choose a site type

    One of the drawbacks of one-page sites is their limited size and variety of content. If you need on the site to talk about a wide range of products or services, post a variety of information or images, you want to cover the widest possible range of key issues and topics - single-page sites are not for you.

    However, if you need one of the following types of websites:

    • Business card
    • Portfolio website
    • Promotional website • Landing page

    That odnostranichnik exactly for you.

    So, if you made your choice in favor of a one-page site, then here is a list of the advantages of this solution:

    1. Single-page sites are cheaper and faster to create. For example, on any site builder a single-page site even an unprepared user can create and fill in 1 day, and the cost ranges from 3,000 rubles a year!
    2. Single-page sites are much better displayed on smartphones than multi-page sites - the site visitor does not need to “jump” through the pages, but rather in the usual way scroll the page on the screen.
    3. Single-page sites usually have a higher conversion - you place on the same page all the stages that precede the conversion (the site visitor performs the required action) on the same page.

    2. Creating a one-page with SEO

    Keyword Selection

    Due to the limitedness of one-page pages, it is not necessary to count on random traffic. And since the volume of the text does not allow you to include all relevant keywords and phrases, it is worth spending time and choosing "the best of the best."

    Grouping keywords

    The times of the leading role of keywords in search results have passed - now the crucial role is played by the relevance of content to search queries. Or, in simple terms, the content of the texts of the site to search queries. That is why it is necessary to group keywords and phrases by topic, and themes themselves should be arranged in separate sections on a one-page website. For example, description block, company block, cost block, advantage block, etc.

    3. Structuring and content optimization

    The design of the sections in the form of blocks

    Selecting sections as blocks allows search engines to recognize the text as a separate section. This selection is performed at the site programming level by tagging each block <div>.

    Creating H1-H2 tags for each section

    All SEO experts will say to you in one voice that there should be only one H1 tag on a page - after all, this tag speaks about the page content.

    That's right. But! Dividing the site into blocks (sections), we imitate multipage, which means we use the H1 tag for each block.

    Regarding the H2 tag - there are no special restrictions, but you should not abuse it.

    Filling blocks

    Now is the time to fill your site with text. In this case, do not forget about the grouping of keywords. And of course, remember that phrases marked with H1 tags should contain keywords or phrases.

    4. Menu setting

    The menu is not only an element of navigation, but also an important point of SEO optimization. Especially in the case of one-page sites. And in order to fulfill this item you need to associate each menu item with the anchor link of the corresponding block of your one-page website. For example:

    Block ID: <div id="flower-delivery-services">
    Anchor Link:<a href="#flower-delivery-services">Flower+Delivery+Services</a>

    5. Fill in the tags Title, Keywords and Description

    And finally, we fill in the classic tags of the site itself - Title, Keywords and Description. And although some SEO experts claim that these tags no longer have any meaning, and the Search Engines declare that the content of these tags does not play a significant role in search results - it is not recommended to neglect this.

    Of course, I don’t dare to assert that all of the above ensures that a single-page is placed in the top of the search, but I believe that these tips will at least help its promotion.

    I also believe that I missed some important things and I will be glad if you say about them in the comments to the article.

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