Diary.ru now on Habrahabr

    Good afternoon, Habrausers!

    We, Diary.ru - an electronic educational project. A platform for all participants in the educational process with the functions of electronic document management and social network. In addition, we give users a set of tools that every day help parents learn, learn and participate in the process.

    The field of interactive education is causing keen interest among IT professionals. Many users of Habrahabr (both schoolchildren and parents ) are already actively discussing the educational process on-line and the difficulties that sometimes have to be overcome, share their impressions and expectations .

    With the help of our blog, we will try to contribute to the knowledge box of Habrahabr and will be able to answer many questions.

    For instance:
    • How do electronic journals, diaries and class schedules work?
    • What is the role of social interaction in the learning process?
    • What does “distance learning” really mean and what approaches exist for its implementation today?
    • How are educational materials developed and used in e-school?
    • How is the preparation for critical exams and testing in the e-school?


    In order to describe our work, we have already taken a few topics as homework. We think they will be of interest to you:
    • The components of our project, the technologies used and additional products that originated inside Diary.ru.
    • Windows Azure and details of work on this site.
    • Project users: teachers, students, and their parents. The experience of using products in schools: users and people involved in the emergence of the project. Demonstration of work in the system.
    • Everything that we can tell about the educational process and eLearning trends.
    • The people who make up the Diary.ru team and the tasks they solve every day.

    If there is anything else you want to ask about, just write in the comments. And we will try to ensure that each article gets a good grade from you.

    A grade mark.

    • 2009 The best innovative project of St. Petersburg in the field of education.
    • 2010 The largest project on the use of cloud services Live @ EDU.
    • 2010 Laureate of the Runet Prize 2010 in the nomination Internet Teacher Project of the Year
    • 2011 Winner of the World Summit Award in the nomination e-Learning & Education.
    • 2012 Winner of the Clouds 2012 SaaS-solutions contest in the Clouds for the State nomination.

    Today, over 22,000 educational institutions (schools, gymnasiums, lyceums) from 83 regions of the Russian Federation, more than 4,000,000 users are connected to Diary.ru. Each school is a new experience that allows us to make Diary.ru better.

    Our representative offices are already in Bashkortostan, Astrakhan, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Volgograd, Dagestan, Chelyabinsk - and this is only the beginning.

    Marginal notes.

    We are glad to become part of Habrahabr, we want to greet all once again! We promise you quality articles, and we are waiting for interesting questions and feedback about our work from you.

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