Barcode is 60 years old

    On Habré they follow various anniversaries and anniversaries - both people, and iron, and programs. But one anniversary is still missing, and the date is quite significant. This is a round date of 60 years - that is how much has passed since the receipt of a patent for a barcode (1952). True, as many as 22 years have passed since the receipt of the patent until the introduction of the technology. Only in 1974, the barcode system began to be actively used, largely due to the advent of technology that was able to read barcodes. It's about lasers. (Caution, under the cut “heavy” infographics).

    The very first barcode consisted of only four lines. And yes, there were barcodes of the strangest shapes and shapes. At one time, there were even round barcodes. And the first laser-read barcode was on the packaging of chewing gum sold in one of Ohio's supermarkets in the same 1974.

    For the time being, the universal barcode system did not receive approval in other countries, as different manufacturers preferred different systems for recording products and identifying their products.

    The other day an interesting infographic (English) was published, where the main stages of the formation of a barcode system were noted. Well, happy birthday, barcode!

    Via dvice

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