SEO Apology

    Until 1865, the operation gave the patient only a small chance to survive, so surgery was the last chance. Only the discoveries of Semmelweis and Lister forced doctors to wash their hands, which reduced mortality by tens of times. A good example of the maturation of technology, is not it?


    C SEO is about the same. Everyone read the angry post of Ludwig Bystronovsky and dozens of others like him, saw jokes such as “how many seoshniks to screw in a light bulb, cheap to download without registration and SMS”. Yes, immature SEO can be encountered now. But there is also a disgusting design, broken code, moronic advertising. Does this mean that design is always bad, software is buggy, and advertising is the raw material for an idiot? Hardly. By 2012, the most advanced SEO-technologies have proven their effectiveness and continue to evolve into forms that are absolutely legitimate from the point of view of search engines.

    In the first article of our blog on Habrahabr, we want to prove that modern SEO does not spoil sites, does not spam, does not increase the amount of black icy hopelessness in the Universe, but rather - accurately and without any side effects gives site owners the opportunity to attract targeted visitors.

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    Who are you?

    SeoPult is one of the leaders in the Russian market for website search promotion. Among companies of comparable size can only be called the Sape exchange. The automated promotion system originated at UnMedia as an internal working tool for optimizers, but quickly developed into such a convenient and efficient service that UnMedia executives decided to make it public. In 2008-2009, it blew up the market, since then SeoPult has not stopped developing and has actually been completely rewritten several times already - including in terms of algorithms. Our service is used by both professionals (advertising agencies, web studios), who build it into their business, and the site owners themselves (from online stores with millions of dollars in turnover to personal microsites).

    • We have Internet television SeoPult.TV - you can always watch interviews with top managers of Ozon, Game Insight, Euroset, eBay, hundreds of major marketing experts, all sorts of useful workshops and so on.
    • There is a training center CyberMarketing , where every week hundreds of novice advertisers and small businessmen get rid of ignorance.
    • Our R&D department employs analysts and mathematicians who are turned on search engine algorithms. Therefore, SeoPult works with reference mass more efficiently than a living specialist - the system relies on empirically tested models, and not on intuition.
    • SeoPult is currently promoting about 230,000 sites, 79% of the keywords are in the TOP10. These are 200,000 businesses (and much more live people) for which the flow of customers and orders from the natural search engine results is vital. Many of these businesses will not survive if SEO suddenly disappears from the face of the planet.
    • Recently, in exchange for a minority stake, SeoPult received an investment of $ 10 million from iTech Capital, which is not our evaluation statement about ourselves, but the result of an external and very deep external examination of reliability and prospects.

    Why normal SEO no longer spoils sites

    Search engines began with a trivial search for matching user requests with content in the pages indexed, then added - and it was a Google revolution! - reference graph of authority, then ... And then it turned out that this is more than an effective and balanced system. It only needs protection from exploitation through weak points and fine-tuning. Now, quite sophisticated methods are used to protect against user tricks and adjust relevance coefficients - up to machine learning (and this is a form of weak artificial intelligence), but in general, web search continues to determine the relevance of requests to specific pages by matches in content and link mass. What does all of this mean?

    Stage I (distant past)

    In the early 2000s, Yandex periodically ranked Microsoft as a leader in search results for hemorrhoids. Hundreds of comic-malicious links to with the corresponding anchor made the search engine think that the page responds well to this request. Yandex did not understand what hemorrhoids were; it carried out mechanical balancing and calculating the coefficients according to the relevance formula. It is clear that in those days sites were promoted by high-frequency queries that were weakly related to the site’s subject (targeting to the target audience suffers, but the number of visitors redeems it). Then there was a stereotype about "SEOs, because of which TOP10 became nonsense - I'm looking for Pushkin, and Yandex gives me loans and Viagra."

    Stage II (recent past)

    The obvious way to turn the tide is to increase the importance of content, which was done by search engines. Now at the request of “hemorrhoids” never got into the SERP, as this word does not appear on the pages. But a new way of manipulation appeared: nausea sheets with hundreds of keyword entries + a number of incoming links with anchors for raising authority. It was then that the stereotype “SEOs spoiled the site, spread on all pages of nonsense to buy an iron for free, the best irons how to choose reviews” spread.

    Stage III (present)

    Until a strong AI has been created, the search engine will most likely not be able to understand the meaning of the text. However, there are many ways to organize a “quasi-understanding”, which is quite enough to combat illegitimate promotion methods. Frequency characteristics were introduced into the ranking formula, distinguishing a text written by a person for people from a delirious mess of keywords to one degree or another. If you fasten a good uniqueness analyzer to combat synonymizing and auto rewriting, put limits on the volume, classifier of topics (“hemorrhoids” - disease, medicine; Microsoft - software), and then also machine learning technologies like “Matrixnet” and analysis of behavioral factors, then the search engine will turn into a pretty well protected piece from misuse. This is what happened. And now the stereotypes about bad SEOs to working SEO have little to do with it - and not because everyone abruptly reeducated and realized their sins. It’s just that modern search engines created a situation in which the SEO is obliged to really improve the site in a purely human sense. A bad, crippled and wretched site will no longer fall into the TOP10, and if it does, it will immediately crash under the pressure of more advanced competitors. The reference mass is now used to rank obviously good sites, while its value does not decrease - applicants for places in the top ten for all commercially significant queries (which, under the influence of variety-enhancing algorithms of the Spectrum type, can turn into a nine, eight, seven and six) always over ten. It’s just that modern search engines created a situation in which the SEO is obliged to really improve the site in a purely human sense. A bad, crippled and wretched site will no longer fall into the TOP10, and if it does, it will immediately crash under the pressure of more advanced competitors. The reference mass is now used to rank obviously good sites, while its value does not decrease - applicants for places in the top ten for all commercially significant queries (which, under the influence of variety-enhancing algorithms of the Spectrum type, can turn into a nine, eight, seven and six) always over ten. It’s just that modern search engines created a situation in which the SEO is obliged to really improve the site in a purely human sense. A bad, crippled and wretched site will no longer fall into the TOP10, and if it does, it will immediately crash under the pressure of more advanced competitors. The reference mass is now used to rank obviously good sites, while its value does not decrease - applicants for places in the top ten for all commercially significant queries (which, under the influence of variety-enhancing algorithms of the Spectrum type, can turn into a nine, eight, seven and six) always over ten. it will immediately crash under the pressure of more advanced competitors. The reference mass is now used to rank obviously good sites, while its value does not decrease - applicants for places in the top ten for all commercially significant queries (which, under the influence of variety-enhancing algorithms of the Spectrum type, can turn into a nine, eight, seven and six) always over ten. it will immediately crash under the pressure of more advanced competitors. The reference mass is now used to rank obviously good sites, while its value does not decrease - applicants for places in the top ten for all commercially significant queries (which, under the influence of variety-enhancing algorithms of the Spectrum type, can turn into a nine, eight, seven and six) always over ten.

    So what does the seoshnik do in 2012? He is not trying to outwit the search engine and users. On the contrary, it makes the site faster, applies accurate layout, semantic markup, writes original and readable content, works with user factors (time spent on the page, number of pages viewed, etc. - it’s clear that you can only manipulate them by real quality improvement site) and so on. Each promoted page must be truly relevant, interesting and conversely active - so that the visitor performs the required action, and not leave. At the same time, the seoshnik may well delegate work with external ranking factors (i.e., increasing, supporting and weeding the incoming link mass) to the automated system. SeoPult algorithms buy and remove links better, than even the advanced seoshnik worked with them manually. And links are bought, by the way, on sites that it doesn’t harm: firstly, these are the so-called SDLs (non-profit sites that are created specifically for selling links, but at the same time they are quite normal information resources, they don’t “pollute the Internet” ), and secondly, exchange links neatly sit in blocks like Yandex.Direct, and no one complains about them: everyone understands that the owner is free to earn money on his site.

    Negative stereotypes about SEO are alive, but working, effective SEO today is not described by them. Some figures may continue to use grandfather's methods, their work may suffer, but this is a matter of choosing a contractor, and not technology and industry as such.

    Future plans

    In the upcoming articles, we plan to talk about linkbating, landing page optimization, removing sites from search engine filters, and in the future, about all the significant aspects of search advertising. We welcome any feedback, we are ready to answer questions and make special materials according to your requests. Thanks for attention!

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