OpenAI has overcome significant limitations in Dota 2 AI

    AI for the game in Dota 2 from the company OpenAI made a noise last year when it beat the top world players. But only in matches 1v1 and with a bunch of restrictions, why not everyone took success seriously.

    After that, the company set an ambitious goal - to create AI for a team game and play at the International tournament at the end of August 2018 on a professional level. While they fit into the schedule.

    In June, the artificial intelligence OpenAI Five, which can manage a full-fledged team of five characters, began to win against amateur teams. True, the game had to comply with many restrictions - extremely significant, in the opinion of the community. Many believed that it would take at least a year to overcome them. A month has passed, and OpenAI has coped with most of them.

    August 5 will be held a demonstration match with professional players. This time there will be less restrictions. In the list below, cross out those that existed for the game last month .

    • Pool of 18 heroes in Random Draft mode (Ax, Crystal Maiden, Death Prophet, Earthshaker, Gyrocopter, Lich, Lion, Necrophos, Queen of Pain, Razor, Riki, Shadow Fiend, Slark, Sniper, Sven, Tidehunter, Viper, or Witch Doctor) Mirror matches with Necrophos, Sniper, Viper, Crystal Maiden, and Lich.
    • Without Divine Rapier, Bottle, Quelling Blade, Boots of Travel, Tome of Knowledge, Infused Raindrop.
    • Without controlled creatures and illusions
    • Match with five couriers. They can not scout and tank.
    • Without using a scan
    • Without wards
    • Without Roshan
    • Without invisibility

    As OpenAI says, teaching complex skills to AI was possible thanks to several new features and variables added to the learning system with Rapid reinforcements .

    Also for the game, the company increased the response time of the AI ​​from 80 milliseconds to 200 - closer to the human. But according to them, this did not affect the gameplay, since the main emphasis falls on tactics and teamwork, and not reflexes.

    Broadcast of the game will begin on August 5 at 22:30 Moscow time . It can be viewed on the OpenAI channel on Twitch .

    The event will take place in San Francisco. First, the audience will play c AI - to warm up. Then starts the main match to two wins. OpenAI expects that this show will show whether their artificial intelligence has any chances at the upcoming The International - the largest tournament in Dota 2.

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