The first stable SDK for Dart

    Developers of the Dart programming language celebrate a holiday: the first birthday of Dart, as well as the release of the first stable SDK . The new SDK comes with a fast Dart VM, which in some Octane tests even outperforms the V8 Javascript rendering engine.

    Together with the SDK for Windows / Mac / Linux, a more efficient translator from Dart to Javascript, the Dart Editor code editor and the Chromium assembly with Dart support (Dartium browser with Dart VM) were released. Google hopes that in the future, native Dart support will appear in all browsers.

    In addition to the above, today announced:

    Dart structural web programming language was released a year ago in the form of a technological preview. It is positioned as a replacement / alternative to Javascript, suffering from “fundamental” flaws that cannot be fixed in the next version of Javascript or by releasing a superset like Typescript. Dart is a revolutionary option that Google sees as one of several possible ways to develop or transform Javascript.

    Dart is suitable for developing high-performance complex modular web applications, using libraries, debuggers, code editors and other tools.

    Dart is designed with three main goals in mind:

    • Performance. Dart virtual machines will not have the performance issues that all EcmaScript machines have.
    • Convenience of development. The dynamic, easy-to-learn, compilation-free nature of Javascript will be preserved, which has made the web platform the absolute leader among amateur programmers.
    • Support for code editors and additional tools. Dart is designed to make it easier to use additional tools for large, serious projects that require support, including functions such as refactoring and finding places to call functions. At the same time, Dart will not require the mandatory use of a code editor for effective programming, so an ordinary developer may well be pleased with the work in a text editor.

    Dart should also provide maximum security where this task does not conflict with the three main ones.

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