Softbank Develops Flying Mobile Cellular Stations

    As you know, Japan, especially some of its regions, is one of the most seismically active areas in the world. The Japanese very often suffer from earthquakes. It is clear that tectonic activity is monitored in this country very carefully. This time, seismologists promise an earthquake with a magnitude of 9 points, but the exact date is unknown, they suggest that this earthquake will occur from 2012 to 2016. And now the Japanese are beginning to prepare for this disaster.

    Last time, an earthquake destroyed communications in some areas of Japan, which greatly complicated the rescue work and made it impossible for relatives, friends and acquaintances to communicate. Softbank has proposed an interesting solution to the problem of maintaining communications during such incidents. This solution is a balloon station.

    The station itself is airborne, being attached to a balloon. In order to prevent the station from flying to another country, it is attached to the surface of the earth with a strong cable. Unfortunately, it is not entirely clear how things stand with the power station, but the developers clearly came up with a reliable solution. Such a station is not afraid of earthquakes, since it is secured away from large buildings, which, if dropped, could damage the cable.

    A network of such stations will make it possible to communicate rescuers and ordinary citizens in any earthquake. Despite the unusual nature of such a solution, it is quite workable, and earlier some companies have already proposed similar projects. For example, Lockheed and the Dutch company Vigilance created such stations for the military.

    Via DVICE

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