Noosphere automation system (social detonator) based on Boolean algebra

When I was a university student and studied for the specialty "MOS computer", I had three professional dreams:
1. mp3 music format for personal pleasure;
2. An intranet for automating organizations to increase profitability;
3. Noosphere Automation System (SANS) for the successful evolution of the whole society.
For 20 years, my first two dreams came true, and I myself began to promote various Intranet projects, but something went wrong with my third dream. And what’s the most annoying, over the past 20 years, humanity has not come a step closer to my third dream. And I decided that, apparently, I would have to work myself to make the fairy tale come true.
Noosphere Automation System
So what is the third dream? Everything is very simple - I assumed that soon a system would appear somewhere on the Internet, in which it would be possible:
- to put in new knowledge (or make sure that they are already laid out by someone else);
- to gain knowledge on a problem of interest (or to verify that they are fundamentally absent);
- apply for clarification to experts on a problem of interest (knowledge segment);
- to assemble (both virtually and realistically) a group of like-minded people to obtain / refine the knowledge or other goals that are of interest
- receive a notification when new knowledge on a problem of interest appears in the system.
Here, knowledge is understood as information allowing a person to solve his problem, or, in terms of synergetics, to change his phase state.
And most importantly - more than 5 minutes should not be spent on any of the above items. That is, a maximum of 5 minutes - and any of the above actions are fully and exhaustively completed.
And most importantly, the system must be multilingual. That is, if someone put knowledge into the system, for example, in Hindi, then a maximum of one day this knowledge should be available in all the common languages of our planet (it seems there are 40 of them?).
Social detonator
It seems that I have listed the information system with uncomplicated principles above, but its implementation in reality will greatly accelerate the social evolution of the whole society, perhaps several times, or even an order of magnitude. In order not to go into boring sociological explanations about the synergistic diversity of social relations and the strength of weak social ties, I will explain by example. All my projects came about with random (?) Coincidence of people and interests. Surely others have the same thing. For example, if I didn’t go to that interview, and if I didn’t meet at the interview of my old acquaintance, everything could have been completely different. And now let's imagine a society in which not a person waits (maybe even his whole life) for coincidences and meetings, but on the contrary, already established connections await the person to choose them. Who knows, how many interesting people passed me by, and I was only a minute late, how many grandiose projects I never took part, for example, only because I just got a cold that day and missed my luck. If you recall the books of the popular science fiction writer Max Fry, then he has the term “Power of Unfulfilled” there. So, such a system will reveal all potentially possible, but for some reason unrealized social ties. That is, “unfulfilled” will come to our world. Or as in one popular song “we could serve in intelligence or play a movie” - the system will make them serve in intelligence or play a movie, unless of course they themselves want (choose) this social connection. that he just got a cold that day and missed luck. If you recall the books of the popular science fiction writer Max Fry, then he has the term “Power of Unfulfilled” there. So, such a system will reveal all potentially possible, but for some reason unrealized social ties. That is, “unfulfilled” will come to our world. Or as in one popular song “we could serve in intelligence or play a movie” - the system will make them serve in intelligence or play a movie, unless of course they themselves want (choose) this social connection. that he just got a cold that day and missed luck. If you recall the books of the popular science fiction writer Max Fry, then he has the term “Power of Unfulfilled” there. So, such a system will reveal all potentially possible, but for some reason unrealized social ties. That is, “unfulfilled” will come to our world. Or as in one popular song “we could serve in intelligence or play a movie” - the system will make them serve in intelligence or play a movie, unless of course they themselves want (choose) this social connection.
Or even simpler - if some problem is significant for the population, then the system will help to solve it the intellectual potential of millions of people, different cultures, speaking different languages, if necessary, attracting investments, and most importantly, completely bypassing all this bureaucratic clumsy state a car. And since today a lot of problems have accumulated that states (neither ours, nor others) absolutely pay attention to, the system mobilizes the potential of mankind to solve these problems. The problems will be solved, and the effect of the introduction of such a system will be comparable to a social detonator, bringing society to a new evolutionary level.
Based on Boolean Algebra
Two questions arise - how to make such a system, and why is it still not implemented by anyone?
And there is no limit to my surprise, because despite the fact that George Boole created his Boolean algebraprecisely for the “connection of philosophy and mathematics”, over the past 50 years no programmer / mathematician has tried to realize his idea using the capabilities of modern computers (not to mention the capabilities of modern global networks). Although every programmer took a course in Boolean algebra at the institute. And the course of modern sociology also seemed to pass. However, the emphasis in teaching Boolean algebra is on using it for internal purposes of computer science and electronics, and for most humanitarian subjects, most techies develop a persistent aversion to "pseudoscience." Only with these facts can I explain why the ideas that lie on the surface (essays on George Boole are written, probably in almost every 10th university group) so far no one has tried to put into practice. Although, what could be easier - we read Bulya, keep in mind the modern capabilities of computers and global networks, and design, create a system. Initially, an experienced single-user sample. Then network - for a couple of dozen users. Well and further for the entire network. The work is serious, I do not argue, but not much more complicated than, say, the development of a new computer network game, which recently climb like mushrooms after the rain.
To understand this strange phenomenon, one can still give an example of the so-called "inter-shop hostility." When, for example, professional physicists hate professional electronic engineers, considering them arrogant young upstarts (all the more, the average salary of electronic engineers is higher). In turn, electronic engineers quietly dislike physicists, considering them to be old boring bores. Therefore, for example, professional Japanese equipment is simply amazing with an abundance of antique technical solutions. And so my friend (the owner of a small service company) loves to make a toast: "so let’s drink for the fierce enmity of Japanese physicists and Japanese electronic engineers, which allows us to make so good money."
Inter-workshop animosity between representatives of the humanities and technical sciences is generally grandiose, since techies consider humanitarians to be demagogues (and not without reason), and humanists consider techies to be notorious, infantile and incapable of connecting two words (and, I note, not without reason).
Conclusion (or appeal to the habrasociety)
So why am I writing all this? Time goes by, 20 years have passed since the moment I had this idea, but in reality it still does not materialize. And I began to think that maybe it is not being implemented at all. And he decided to direct his efforts to create the system described in the article. I would like to consult with the habrasociety, where to start? Or arrange a similar system as a startup (then which, where)? Or seek a grant, or something else?
I must say right away that my main interest in this matter is not so much financial, as the desire to make our social reality a little smarter, or something. As Oleg Divov notes in his novel, “modern mankind is not so much evil or aggressive, it is just very stupid.”
Join the discussion! Let's make humanity a little smarter together! If not us, then who? Well, not the officials.