Opera 12.10 beta - API for every taste


    Today the first beta version of Opera 12.10 is released. Usually we always try to make pleasant surprises for users of our browsers, but today we have prepared many useful innovations for developers. We hope that the innovations will appeal to both developers of Opera extensions and users.

    API context menus

    Now developers of Opera extensions will be able to change the browser context menus (also known to users as the right-click menu). Thanks to the new API, it became possible to add new functionality to the context menus that simplifies working with social networks, online translators, and many other popular services.

    Screenshot API

    Taking screenshots is not always easy (does everyone know where the Print Screen button is located on the keyboard?), And it's even more difficult to share them with friends. By using the API to create screen shots by extension developers, Opera users will get an easy and fast way to show their friends what they see in their browser window.

    Data Loading API

    This API allows Opera extensions to use their own CSS and JavaScript to improve or change the functionality and design of web pages. For example, you can replace Comic Sans family fonts with Helvetica, or use advanced JavaScript features on all web pages you view.

    Standards Again

    This is not all the news regarding the API. Increasing the number of supported web standards, we added support for the Fullscreen API and Page Visibility API, which will allow developers to better control the display of page content and optimize the use of browser resources.

    For developers using web sockets, we also have good news. Opera 12.10 includes support for the latest implementation of web sockets with enhanced functionality for developers and improved work for end users. And this support is enabled by default.


    At the head of a long list of performance and speed improvements, we present the SPDY network standard as an addition to the HTTP protocol, which promises significant speedup of web page loading. In Opera 12.10, SPDY support is enabled by default and works with web pages that support this standard. For example, massive websites like Twitter or Gmail support the SPDY standard in addition to the traditional HTTP protocol.

    A time of change

    In both worlds - Windows and Mac - this fall has seen tangible changes in operating systems. The new version of Opera 12.10 includes several innovations that allow more fully use the new features of these operating systems.

    With the release of Mac OS X Mountain Lion, there are many new features built directly into the system. Opera 12.10 for Mac supports such innovations as Notification Center, Retina Display and built-in means of publishing content on social networks.

    Soon, Windows 8 will become publicly available, and Opera 12.10 includes support for some features of this OS. In particular, we added touch control support for Windows 8 Classic mode, and as a bonus, we added similar support in Windows 7.

    Opera 12.10 beta can be downloaded for free from our website .
    Remember that this is a beta version that may contain errors, so use it only for testing purposes. Let us know about all errors and shortcomings found .
    This will make the final release the way you want it to be .

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