Facebook killer
They say Google is obsessed with the idea of killing Facebook. Putting aside his experiments with Google Wave, without further ado, he decided to offer simply the “better” social network Google+. The giraffe is big, he knows better, but it seems to me that Google was near the place where it was "hot". Listen to what someone wrote about the Google Base service: it uses the motivation of authors who post their content online and want to be found to further structure the Internet. No, even the best automatic analysis of a regular HTML page, in which the content is mixed with the presentation, can categorize this page better than the meta data explicitly affixed by the author. The fat is here in the presence of the motivation of the authors, hungry for the audience. Moreover, we note that the more accurately the content is tagged, the more relevant the audience.
The audience is the key word, it’s unusual for search engine users to call the audience for authoring content. Apparently this routine perception took the Google Base project in a completely different direction, now it has degenerated into some kind of Google Merchant, it seems, is also not very popular. Plus, Google’s clear direction is to use structuring to improve your search. And earlier it was possible to write a text of approximately such content as on Habré, provide it with tags (also as on Habré) and upload it to Google Base. At the same time, Google seemed to assign a rather high PR to such a page, i.e. when searching for topics on the tag, the material went somewhere in the top of the search results. I did this once, just to try it, and was probably among the few, because the bulk of the content was ads for the sale of something. If a mass of people began to write there on habrotemy in the struggle for a place in the top, then obviously these materials would have to be rated. On Habr rating under it is sharpened, and how would Google do? ..
Another problem is that publications in search results cannot be commented on. In principle, you can probably think of such a thing. But the usual approach is that the resource should be positioned as intended for publications and discussions, to have a convenient functional and user interface for this. Well, that would be thought in this direction. The combination of Google Base and Google Wave could give interesting results.
Would such a service be a competitor to Habru? Perhaps, because various interesting authors on subjects close to Khabrovsky do not always write on Habré. Some keep their own blogs, some post on LiveJournal and all sorts of specialized media resources. Base + Wave would offer them a larger total audience. And this is an incentive to all incentives. Moreover, Base + Wave would kill not only Habr, but in general almost all thematic resources. In such an option, the role of Odnoklassniki would remain for Facebook - exclusively for communicating “about nothing” and maintaining connections. Although the latter is a very large niche, the fan would leave Facebook, the elite, and with them the brands, would probably treat it the same way as habropusers belong to Odnoklassniki. And after the elite, the masses are drawn too.
The audience is the key word, it’s unusual for search engine users to call the audience for authoring content. Apparently this routine perception took the Google Base project in a completely different direction, now it has degenerated into some kind of Google Merchant, it seems, is also not very popular. Plus, Google’s clear direction is to use structuring to improve your search. And earlier it was possible to write a text of approximately such content as on Habré, provide it with tags (also as on Habré) and upload it to Google Base. At the same time, Google seemed to assign a rather high PR to such a page, i.e. when searching for topics on the tag, the material went somewhere in the top of the search results. I did this once, just to try it, and was probably among the few, because the bulk of the content was ads for the sale of something. If a mass of people began to write there on habrotemy in the struggle for a place in the top, then obviously these materials would have to be rated. On Habr rating under it is sharpened, and how would Google do? ..
Another problem is that publications in search results cannot be commented on. In principle, you can probably think of such a thing. But the usual approach is that the resource should be positioned as intended for publications and discussions, to have a convenient functional and user interface for this. Well, that would be thought in this direction. The combination of Google Base and Google Wave could give interesting results.
Would such a service be a competitor to Habru? Perhaps, because various interesting authors on subjects close to Khabrovsky do not always write on Habré. Some keep their own blogs, some post on LiveJournal and all sorts of specialized media resources. Base + Wave would offer them a larger total audience. And this is an incentive to all incentives. Moreover, Base + Wave would kill not only Habr, but in general almost all thematic resources. In such an option, the role of Odnoklassniki would remain for Facebook - exclusively for communicating “about nothing” and maintaining connections. Although the latter is a very large niche, the fan would leave Facebook, the elite, and with them the brands, would probably treat it the same way as habropusers belong to Odnoklassniki. And after the elite, the masses are drawn too.