Tesla has signed an agreement to build Gigafabrika 3 in China

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According to the operative data Electrek it became known that the Gigafabrika is planning to start building in the near future, after all the necessary approvals. The first stage of construction is 2 years, after which cars will be produced. It will still take 2 years to complete and increase production at the level of 500 thousand cars per year. With all the errors and transfers, you can count on 500 thousand cars in China from Tesla in the year 2023.

Earlier it was reported that the new Gigafabrika will produce not only cars, but also batteries for them. It seems that this will be the future prototype of the so-called Dreadnought for the production of cars. The current Gigafabrika-1 produces only batteries and engines. Even if they want to embody the necessary production process, they will have to rebuild and refine many things. Given the upcoming truck and the Roadster, this is a possible place for their production. Therefore, Tesla will have to come up with complex solutions. By type of awning / cover for the release of Model 3 in Fremont.

Gigafabrika in China, most likely, will focus on the production of Model Y, the presentation of which Musk promised to hold in March 2019. Taking into account the experience of Model 3, it can be assumed that the start of production of the Model Y will begin in 2020. These are the dates for suitable constructions of the first stage of the Gigafabrika in China. In addition, SUVs are very popular in this country and there is a strong desire of the People's Republic of China to switch to electric vehicles (the last 2 years, half of the global sales of electric vehicles accounted for the PRC).

Gigafabrika-3 will be built in Shanghai. Sources of funding are not announced. At one time, Panasonic, Tesla's partner in the production of batteries, expressed its interest in the development of production, including in the PRC.

Another important point. This is the first foreign manufacturer that does not form a joint venture with a Chinese company. Taking into account the current trade wars and the increase in duties, Tesla needed something to promptly decide whether they are entering the Chinese market or not. Given the current fall in US support, the world's first car market, and even that is aimed at electric cars, is a very tasty morsel for many. The truth is, there are fears that, nevertheless, the Chinese will want to share with them the technologies, if the voiced desires for the production of cars still come true and the dreadnought will be embodied in iron.

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