MTI Micro launches digital SLR fuel cell

    MTI MicroFuel Cells unveils a prototype digital camera power supply at the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Expo in Tokyo. This power source is made in the form of a fuel stick module, which is attached to the camera and provides additional operating time.

    In the prototype shown, a fuel cell operating on the principle of direct methanol conversion was used. MTI MicroFuel Cells does not extend any characteristics, indicating only that this fuel cell is twice as much as ordinary batteries (i.e., the battery life of the device can be easily multiplied by two).

    Basically, the fuel cell prototype shown is designed for use with digital SLR cameras (no wonder, in 2007, 6 million units were sold potentially compatible DSLRs). But they also did not forget about cell phones: there are models for them.

    The cost of a fuel cell from MTI MicroFuel Cells has not yet been announced.

    via IXBT

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