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    Attention report! The first to find all the “Easter eggs” is a plus in karma;) It seems terribly inconvenient that the planes from London arrive in Moscow at five in the morning. Same thing with flights from Amsterdam. Oddly enough, Swedish Airlines also fly on an inhuman schedule. And it’s only from flights from a star-striped country that people get out asleep, but not because they had to board a plane for a 12-hour flight at 3 a.m. (they don’t do this to them), but because those who somehow flies to Russia because of the Atlantic, stocks sleeping pills and sleeps peacefully throughout the flight.

    True, our speakers cannot be classified as weaklings: having arrived in the morning, no one went to bed before the whole day of the conference (at that moment I sometimes feel like a teacher in a well-known group), but on the contrary, everyone was full of energy to explore a little city, see what's going on around. Fortunately, the weather was really wonderful and the sun, hitting the window panel, poured on the asphalt wherever possible. Phil did not fail to capture this on his Instagram.

    The last to arrive was Robert Niman from Mozilla, who immediately stated that he had brought a hockey stick with him and would take revenge, and in my telephone commentary on “the car that was coming for us,” he said that “in the world” there was no “car” more - no less, the well-known machine gun. Then I realized what lies ahead, but on Friday it became obvious that this applies to all of us. Meanwhile, Robert did not stop his stinging jokes ("I'm joking with respect") and sharp comments for almost a minute. Therefore, at the end of this post, we prepared for him a special surprise - that Moscow, the toaster and our cheerful company would forever be deposited in his heart.

    We have already talked about all the speakers.separately, therefore this time we will concentrate on them, as a single whole, together with the audience, partners and afterparty, surprisingly harmoniously ending the day of acquaintances, new knowledge, understanding and, I can only guess what else.

    As you may have noticed, this time there were no problems with either coffee or toast. I want to believe that everyone was satisfied, because the stomachs are the thinnest and most difficult place for everyone, especially when it comes to developers. The guys joyfully killed sweet toasts before registration began and the people tumbled into the hall.

    Special thanks to the beautiful girls who helped us with the registration of participants and with everything else that required female attention.

    Finally, 10 hours struck. Almost choking on the toasts, our esteemed ones remembered that it would be nice to test the compatibility of all equipment before starting an enchanting show. However, no one had any problems. By the time we finished, we found ourselves standing on the stage in front of an already, in fact, full hall. Ralph said the weighty American “Wow!”, Phil slowly backed away from the center of gravity towards the chair, Robert finished writing the last lines of the code appearing in his slides, and Ian ... well, Ian was getting ready to go and say what he had to.

    Sometimes it seems to me that it’s impossible to change the Dutch. In principle, all the other guests agreed with this and the thing is this: Ian flew in one shirt, bringing with him a laptop, charging for him, a light jacket and, apparently, everything. On all days, as soon as we went to a museum or some other place of common interest, Jan with undisguised pleasure called us "pensioners" and said that a "real" vacation should be in a different format. However, we also showed him this format at the end of Friday, and it cannot be said that the young specialist from Cloud9, whom we respected, was not satisfied.

    And although initially Yang was the last in the program, he was encouraged by the possibility of a peculiar opening of the conference with the first report. At this time, Phil, Ralph and Robert were already very zealously pounding their fingers on the keys, adding and completing something during the performance of Jan.

    Phil immediately noted the quality of the equipment on the site and was glad that the pictures are shown on the screens, and not from the projector. Apparently - this reassured him a little and, although Phil often travels with speeches at the conference, no one really knew what to expect from the audience, but when they saw the audience’s reaction to the speeches of Ian (whom he affectionately, but at the same time not joking, the guys called and called simple and concise "kid"), Phil was completely ready to go on stage. With small microphone pins attached to the collar, they looked more like participants in a humorous show, especially given the volume of jokes from Robert. Well, nothing, as I promised - we will fight back.

    Since Phil works in a creative agency, and not in a company engaged in exclusive development, his report was more “humanitarian”, and the slides even struck me. However, I’m sure that all our visitors liked a similar format, since javascript is a front-end, and the front-end is inextricably linked with what we see with our eyes when opening a web page and Phil spoke about this - the first impression of how not to spoil it. At least, it seemed to us that way, if that - correct.

    At this time, Ralph was a little nervous about his report, and the audience was preparing to leave for the next break.

    Having lightly instructed Pasha Dovbush, the fourth speaker, we left to drink coffee and discuss further speeches, at the same time listening to the comments and wishes of the first speakers.

    Although many of Ralph managed to “scold” for retelling AmplifyJS documentation, I think that his report was interesting to many, as the person brought in to talk about, in general, the work that was done inside the company, which was done not to make money, but for the community. This is one of the reasons why the community should be pretty;)

    I have an account both on Habré, and on leprosy))

    During Ralph’s speech, our first Russian-speaking speaker, Pavel Dovbush, from the Badoo company, was preparing to leave. We met with Pasha a couple of days before the conference in order to talk and he made an indelible impression on me as a professional and, more importantly, a productive optimist. Pasha grabbed literally everything on the fly, even if some things were not easy to understand the first time, and as a result, on the stage he presented an interesting topic worthy of everyone’s attention.

    By the time Pasha was already answering questions from the audience, I felt a slight tension from the side where Robert was sitting. He finally finished rewriting his slides and smiled sweetly at me, which only added cause for concern, in the light of his special temperament.

    I think that what Robert showed us remained for a long time in the head of everyone who came. Firstly, by no means every day there is an opportunity to see and chat with a very experienced, intelligent and interesting person from Mozilla, who is engaged in the evangelism of the entire platform (“I went to the monastery in childhood, pumped up biceps there”).

    In principle, there is nothing to add here, and we won’t show photographs of Robert, since we have only one such photo, which really deserves attention. Moreover, his slides will not pass through the strict censorship of our resource :) If you were at the conference, review the recording of the speech, and if you weren’t, you can just look at the slides , this will be enough.

    And, in principle, one should not be surprised that many chose to solve the riddles of the SuperJob girls who played three new iPads after dinner. We can only rejoice at the winners and wish ourselves that such girls with such gifts would come to us at the conference as often as possible;)

    After lunch, Shavkat Ainurin from News360 talked about creating their web version of their own application. Here I would like to make a small remark to everyone who came: we know that you love foreign speakers, but this is not an occasion to our compatriots with less attention or respect.

    If you doubt it, try to write any report and read it in front of people unknown to you, say, near the office, without causing the smirk of at least one of them. After that, write in the comments how

    soon it will be possible to do :) Kostya Kichinsky from Microsoft went on stage a little earlier, as we experienced some difficulties in establishing communication with the Canadian office of Blackberry, where employees use around-the-clock laptops that don’t provide virtually no external access to devices or information - partly because of this, we had to use Skype in order to hear Adam, a little later.

    However, Kostya did not waste time in vain and, according to his sensations, his speech was received very positively by the majority. He probably put something into the posters, which he so zealously scattered throughout the hall.

    Finally, the time has come for our remote performances. It is unfortunate that in the end we were not able to bring these two people to Moscow - the Blackberry leadership changed the speaker to a higher level at the last moment, and Joe was refused a visa three times in a row in the absence of any objective reasons.

    However, we are glad that in the end the performances still succeeded. Next time we will write out the speakers through diplomatic mail.

    Finally, after the main program of the event was over, we won small prizes in the form of 4G Yota modems, although in reality everyone was waiting for only one thing - when, finally, the doors of the bar and the Badoo company (to which we bring many thanks for organizing this afterparty for all) will finally let us on his holiday of life.

    Finally - it happened.

    Even until the very last moment, we had no idea what Badoo was organizing, but the result exceeded any expectations!

    And moonshines, and chess, games, a hookah corner - there were all conditions in order to melt the hearts of IT people, tortured by the many hours of the conference program. Having a little embarrassed and having trodden on the spot, everyone finally dispersed where and where the real party began.

    Thanks to you, habraly people and conference participants. Your opinions allow us to remain one of the most interesting events for IT specialists in Moscow, we will try to become only better!

    PS Finally, what we all expected from the very beginning.


    Come again!

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