QA-meetup SuperJob

    On June 28, they held a QA-meetup SuperJob, telling what was there.

    Alexey Zakharov, President of Superjob, opened the mitap.

    The first speaker was “Effective automation of Superjob testing” by Anton Shkredov , testing automation specialist at .

    Anton shared his experience in raising automation from scratch on the example of the Superjob project.

    “Faced with a situation where acceptance testing takes 10 hours and the company's goal is daily releases, it comes to the understanding that the testing department needs to comply with and change established approaches. To get rid of daily repetitive activities, an obvious cure is automating this process. We decided not to turn automation into another problem. Using our web project as an example, we will tell you how tests were made fast and stable and what universal methods were used for this. ”


    Vitaly Kotov, Lead QA engineer in Badoo made a presentation on “How to prepare test automation for two releases per day” .

    Vitaly told a story about how they went from two releases a week to two releases a day, what problems they solved and what they got in the end.

    What he shared in his report:

    - The more often the releases, the more organized the automated testing process should be;

    - Autotests should be accelerated: the faster the tests, the sooner we get the result of the test;

    - Autotest should be clear: the easier it is to work with tests, the more often they will want to run;

    - Autotest should be enough. The more tests, the easier it should be to control them.


    Anton Tuzlukov, Technical Director of the Project Development and Technical Support Department at QSOFT, continued the series of presentations with the report “Ensuring the stability and resiliency of the project with continuous regular releases” .

    Within the theme, he told:

    - How to work on a project with a team of 20+ people and maintain the quality of the project;

    - How to ensure the stability of the project with continuous development in a short time;

    - Monitoring the project, identifying problems and ensuring resiliency.


    Alexei Efimov, Lead QA engineer in Stack Soft completed the mitap with the report “ From cadets to special forces or is it really bad to be a forge of personnel?” .

    Alexey spoke about why they chose such an approach, how it differs from schools with employment and companies with a mass recruitment of newcomers, how to sift out candidates, what needs to be checked when recruiting and which of these is profit.

    What he shared in his report:

    - Is there any benefit from the courses?

    - Where do employees grow and where do they not grow?

    - Where do employees go and why?

    - How to insure against their care?

    - Is it possible to scale this approach?

    - What to do next?


    Follow the announcements of new Superjob mitap in IT in the official Facebook group SuperJob IT-meetup .

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