World Front End Stars

    In any profession, there is a thin layer of people who are truly high-class specialists. The area of ​​front-end development is no exception - there are also outstanding personalities here. They listen to their opinions, follow them on blogs and social networks and read their books. In the process of their work, they give rise to various original solutions or techniques that instantly diverge in the world of web development and remain relevant for more than one year. They create convenient online layout services , write useful js libraries , improve browsers , promote web standards and have a direct impact on their development. They may call themselves front end engineer , front-end developer ,web developer , web designer , UI Designer , browser compatibility expert, or just css lover , but for most of us they are the stars of the world front end who make the Internet the way we know it. Quite often, reviews of interesting solutions, techniques and news from the world of web development with the indication of Western authors appear on Habré, but not everyone knows anything about them except the name. I wanted to briefly tell the general public about some of these comrades.

    Eric A. Meyer

    Personal website:
    An American web designer who has been committed to the web for two decades. At one time he worked at Netscape, known for his propaganda of web standards, and influenced Microsoft when they introduced backward compatibility modes in IE8. He has written a number of books popular in the world of web development, such as Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide, Eric Meyer on CSS. He is a co-founder of An Event Apart and the Global Multimedia Protocols Group , as well as an active member of and . Loving to travel the world, Eric not only speaks at various conferences, but also suits them himself. The author of the famous reset.css from Eric Meyer .

    Paul Irish

    Personal website:
    Young front-end developer from sunny San Francisco. His slogan is “ I make the www fun ”. One of the most productive web developers at the moment, which confirms the " Developer of the Year 2011 " award for .net awards. Judge for yourself: Paul is currently a Google Chrome developer, and is also a member of the jQuery, Modernizr , CSS3 Please, and HTML5 Boilerplate teams . He is the curator of HTML5 Rocks and the creator of mothereffingtextshadow , mothereffinghsl , HTML5 Please , Move the Web Forward ,Mothereffing Animated GIF and W3Fools . He also enjoys making useful video presentations and presentations , and is co-host of the yayQuery Podcast podcast .

    Chris Coyier

    Personal website:
    California web developer, owner and author of the popular site , conducting ten reports per year at various conferences , and giving no less interviews . Chris is a contributor and developer at Digging into WordPress , , creator of useful services such as , HSLaExplorer , CSS3 ButtonMaker and ThePrintliminator , the popular jth plugins Anythingslider jQuery plugin and Perfect Fullpage Background Image .

    Lea Verou

    Personal website:
    The first woman on this list. The Greek woman Michaelia Komvouti-Verou, known under the shorter name Lea Verou, is a rather new, but already quite sensational person in the front-end world. In 2011, she became a finalist in the “Brilliant newcomer” category according to .net Awards 2011, and in the same year her CSS3 Secrets report was marked as .net magazine's 15 best talks of 2011 . Lee speaks at dozens of different conferences , writes popular articles on A List Apart , Smashing Magazine , 24 Ways and .net magazine . Her love of web standards, open source and CSS3 spawned a dozen cool online toolssuch as the CSS3 test , -prefix-free and

    Jeffrey Zeldman

    Personal website:
    Jeffrey is one of the most famous web designers in the world. It is difficult to name areas on the web to which he did not put his hand. In 1998, he founded A List Apart , an online magazine for people who make websites, which is very popular in the world of web design and front-end development. In the same year, he and his friends created The Web Standards Project, a union of web developers who struggled to adopt web standards. They were able to influence Microsoft and Netscape to support W3C technology and standards, thereby ending the Browser War. His book Designing with Web Standardsbecame a bestseller and was translated into 13 languages. In 2001, from his A List Apart website, he called on all front-end developers of the world to abandon the old layout techniques and move on to creating semantic code and actively use CSS. Now Jeffrey is often invited to various juries, conferences and institutes to give lectures to students.

    Dan Cederholm

    Personal website:
    For me, Dan’s identity is different - his book “Bulletproof Web Design” was the first book about web design that I read, and it inspired me to love the frontend and everything connected with it. If it weren’t for Cederholm, perhaps now I would be a mediocre php encoder, but it seems to have worked out :) Besides writing books, he is the founder of the Simplebits web studio and the author of the blog of the same name . As a recognized expert in the fields of web design, he worked with YouTube, Microsoft, Google, MTV, ESPN, Electronic Arts, Blogger, Fast Company, Inc. Magazine and many other companies. In 2012, he already managed to receive the TechFellow award in the nomination Product Design & Marketing.

    Peter-Paul Koch (Peter-Paul Koch aka PPK)

    Personal website:
    In the university education of Peter, also known as ppk, there were no prerequisites for becoming an iconic person in the world of frontend - he studied Ancient History at the University of Amsterdam and was more versed in the history of the Roman Empire than in HTML. Nevertheless, he took up professional activities on the web in 1998. After working for several months, he came to the conclusion that at that time there was no site that would provide accurate and correct information about browser compatibility. Therefore, in the same year, he decided to create it himself and begin testing browsers. This project has grown to, which was launched in 2003. After that, he developed a vibrant activity in the field of client development, and in 2007 created the organization “Fronteers” (frontend engineers), which initially included Dutch web developers and which currently includes more than four hundred members. Members of this organization hold various meetings, including the conference of the same name, which has been held annually since 2009. For those who want to get acquainted with the topics of reports and the level of participants, you can always find her videos on the Internet, for example, on Vimeo . In 2009, PPK stopped developing for standard desktop browsers and completely moved to the world of mobile web. As for his public activities, it is not limited to his website and Fronteers. His LinkedIn profile states that he is a freelance front-end consultant. He probably does it well, because companies like Vodafone, Microsoft, Opera, Google, and Yahoo! :) Also, he writes articles on popular resources, such as A List Apart and Digital Web Magazine , travels around the world with reports and stuff like that. Well, where would you be without your book. Peter also has experience writing - his book ppk on JavaScript .


    This is not all of those who deserve to be called stars. In this article I tried to introduce you to some of those who specifically influenced the development of me as a professional. For someone else, it can be completely different people, and you can also share information about them in the comments, and I will add them to the post.
    If this topic will be interesting to the community, I will continue to post similar posts, since there are enough talents that are not popular enough in RuNet.
    For the same reason, I did not start an article about monsters of web development from the CIS - many understand who they are talking about and for the same many it makes no sense to represent these people. Moreover, they can always introduce themselves here;)

    PS: If all the links mentioned in this article are purple in your browser, I have good news for you :)

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