Runetology (131): CEO of the online mega-market Mael Gave

    Mael Gave - about the history of online trading in Russia and the world, about the formats of online stores, about competitors, about how is arranged inside, why e-book sales in Russia are behind paper ones, what is’s strategy for the coming years, as well as much more.

    Interview with a guest:
    • Who is competing with
    • How did Mael end up in Russia?
    • What was Mael Gave's first business?
    • How is arranged inside?
    • Why does an online store need mobile apps?
    • Where will the company spend $ 100 million investment?
    • “We are the only ones in Russia who were able to build a delivery system. This is a huge competitive advantage for us. Every city where we are not is an opportunity for sales growth. ”
    • Does Ozone use the experience of foreign colleagues?
    • Can the company achieve its $ 1 billion revenue goal in 5 years?
    • Why do domestic companies dominate in search, online commerce and social networks in Russia?
    • “OZON Galaxy is an attempt to understand how the system can work. We have learned a lot. Now we are considering different options for how to move on. We are thinking about creating another reader or focusing on content and collaborating with someone. There are many different possibilities.
    • What will be the future of e-commerce in 5 years?

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