LG Electronics in 2012. Plans and business tasks
Hello, Habr! Hello, friends!
Happy Holidays!
The year 2011 has ended and, looking back, we can say that this year went well for us.
We have strengthened our positions among the five largest consumer electronics companies, have maintained leadership in the categories of household appliances and air conditioners, in just a year we have outstripped two competitors and become global No. 2 in the TV market.
We also released many innovative models of equipment and entered new markets for us in household lighting and B2B equipment.
In Russia, we have strengthened our position as consumer electronics brand No. 2, significantly strengthening our position in the segment of 2D and 3D flat-panel TVs.
Now is the time to set goals for 2012, our post will be dedicated to them.

Home Entertainment (TVs, audio systems, multimedia equipment) .

“LG plans to consolidate the strong association '3D = LG', taking a leading position in the global market for 3D TVs. The company has no less ambitious plans regarding the Smart TV sphere, where LG is constantly improving its own platform called NetCast. To confidently position the company as the No. 1 player in the production of televisions, LG will continue to develop the technology of all TV lines, such as LCD TVs, and next-generation products such as OLED TVs and ultra-high resolution (UD) televisions, ”says Havis Kwon, CEO and President of LG Home Entertainment.
Goal 1. Become global No. 1 in the 3D TV market .
The production of televisions using alternative polarization technology for forming 3D images - FPR allowed us to significantly strengthen our position and become the leader in the segment. We do not intend to rest on our laurels and plan to bring the technology to a whole new level.
More than 70% of new LG TVs will be equipped with Cinema 3D technology, new TVs will have more advanced software solutions for high-quality optimization of 3D images and the complete elimination of negative effects.
We will also update the unique Cinema 3D polarizing glasses, not only in terms of design, but also in terms of polarization.
Goal 2. Strengthen leadership in the Smart TV segment, both globally and locally .
The total number of Russian services available on LG TVs makes us a leader in the number of local partners among Internet TV manufacturers. In 2012, we intend to maintain leadership in this segment throughout the year, thanks to the massive introduction of services and new local applications - VoD. Also, special tools for creating 3D applications will be opened for developers of Smart TV applications.
We continue to work on creating a pool of strategic partners for 3D content so that owners of CINEMA 3D Smart TVs can enjoy the widest selection of 3D video / applications.

At CES in Las Vegas in January, the Google TV platform was presented, which will be used on our televisions in 2012.
View the presentation here:
Goal 3. To optimize production costs and make flat-panel TVs from 42 inches and above more accessible to the mass consumer .
Everything is simple and complicated at the same time: 2012 will be the year of optimizing the cost of TV panels. We plan to reduce our own costs of production, which will ultimately affect the reduction of final prices for products and will give us a competitive advantage and an increase in market share.
These will be our TVs in 2012->

Goal 4. Launch 3D OLED panels on the mass market, as well as new TVs with UHD resolution .
At the last CES Consumer Electronics Show, we presented two innovative products in the 3D TV category.
The first is the world's largest OLED 3D panels with stunning color reproduction, the most contrasting display, crystal clear picture and the highest frequency. The dimensions of the TV panel are also a nice addition, because its thickness is only 4 millimeters and its weight is 7.5 kg.

The second innovative product was 3D panels - Ultra High Definition.
84-inch UHD 3D TVs with a unique unprecedented screen resolution of 8 million pixels (3840 × 2160), which is 4 times higher than the highest resolution of current Full HD LED TVs. TVs also run on Cinema 3D technology and have Smart TV functionality.

And, most importantly, OLED and UHD panels are not test samples, their mass sale will begin in the second half of 2012. We plan to sell more than 250,000 OLED TVs in 2012, thereby securing our leadership in this so far “non-competitive” segment.
Home Appliances (washing machines, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, microwave ovens and other household appliances)
“The competition is getting more intense, but we are confident that an active investment strategy and the progressive development of technologies with solid growth potential will allow us to raise standards in the home appliance market,” says Moon-bum Shin is the Executive Vice President of the LG Electronics Home Appliance.

Thanks to the program adopted for 2012, we expect to double the volume of sales of household appliances (compared to 2011) and become the world cross-category No. 1 in the segment of “white” appliances by 2014.
Goal 1. Strengthen the business platform for optimization, production and logistics in the production of household appliances .
Despite the fact that we occupy a leading position in the field of “white” household appliances around the world, our strategic goal in 2012 is to maintain a consistently high quality of production and optimize logistics costs and the cost of manufacturing equipment.
Goal 2. To secure a technical advantage in the categories of washing machines and refrigerators .
Our arsenal has patents for technologies such as Direct Drive, No Frost, Linear Compressor, Light Wave and many other complex technological patents for hardware solutions in household appliances.
We are a leader in terms of innovative solutions and plan to use this advantage both through marketing communications (in order to convey knowledge of technology to the mass consumer), and through the development of new technologies in key products.
Therefore, in 2012 you will see many high-profile advertising campaigns and presentations of new technologies!
Flagships of home appliance lines in 2012 ->

Goal 3. Massive introduction of LG Thinq technology and smart devices in everyday household appliances .
Introducing smart, convenient and practical solutions to the mass market of household appliances is our key priority in a long-term strategy. Over the course of 5 years, we plan to make every third home in developed countries become a smart home.

Mobile Communications (mobile phones, smartphones, tablets)
“A few years ago we were known as a company that released“ feature phones ”(phones sharpened for one key area, approx. Camera phone). Last year, we became a smartphone company. Our next goal is to become the No. 1 company in the field of LTE / 4G smartphones. In 2012, we plan that the sales of LTE smartphones will be at least 50% of the sales of all smartphones ”- Executive President of LG Electronics Mobile Communications.

Goal 1. Take the niche of smartphones on the 4G platform (LTE).
As a patent leader in 4G communications and a leading developer of high-speed data transmission, we set ourselves the ambitious task of occupying the niche of LTE smartphones, getting ahead of the trend and becoming the main brand serving this niche.
4G = LG
Goal 2. Improve the quality of technical support for our products .
According to the results of 2011, we identified a number of problems associated with the technical support of our equipment.
In 2012, we plan to fix all current problems both in terms of service and technical support, and in terms of software support for products (create new firmware, provide remote support for products (remote connection to smartphones).
Goal 3. Keep the innovation trend in smartphones - to increase strategic innovations in display technologies, as well as to develop the production of mobile chipsets .
2011 made it clear that the future of the industry rests with manufacturers offering technologically innovative products. Consumer preferences have shifted in favor of high-quality high-tech displays, as well as productive chipsets, so in 2012 we plan to focus our efforts on creating smartphones that meet these needs.
That's all for now.
Best wishes for the new year.
Your LG team.
Happy Holidays!
The year 2011 has ended and, looking back, we can say that this year went well for us.
We have strengthened our positions among the five largest consumer electronics companies, have maintained leadership in the categories of household appliances and air conditioners, in just a year we have outstripped two competitors and become global No. 2 in the TV market.
We also released many innovative models of equipment and entered new markets for us in household lighting and B2B equipment.
In Russia, we have strengthened our position as consumer electronics brand No. 2, significantly strengthening our position in the segment of 2D and 3D flat-panel TVs.
Now is the time to set goals for 2012, our post will be dedicated to them.

Home Entertainment (TVs, audio systems, multimedia equipment) .

“LG plans to consolidate the strong association '3D = LG', taking a leading position in the global market for 3D TVs. The company has no less ambitious plans regarding the Smart TV sphere, where LG is constantly improving its own platform called NetCast. To confidently position the company as the No. 1 player in the production of televisions, LG will continue to develop the technology of all TV lines, such as LCD TVs, and next-generation products such as OLED TVs and ultra-high resolution (UD) televisions, ”says Havis Kwon, CEO and President of LG Home Entertainment.
Goal 1. Become global No. 1 in the 3D TV market .
The production of televisions using alternative polarization technology for forming 3D images - FPR allowed us to significantly strengthen our position and become the leader in the segment. We do not intend to rest on our laurels and plan to bring the technology to a whole new level.
More than 70% of new LG TVs will be equipped with Cinema 3D technology, new TVs will have more advanced software solutions for high-quality optimization of 3D images and the complete elimination of negative effects.
We will also update the unique Cinema 3D polarizing glasses, not only in terms of design, but also in terms of polarization.
Goal 2. Strengthen leadership in the Smart TV segment, both globally and locally .
The total number of Russian services available on LG TVs makes us a leader in the number of local partners among Internet TV manufacturers. In 2012, we intend to maintain leadership in this segment throughout the year, thanks to the massive introduction of services and new local applications - VoD. Also, special tools for creating 3D applications will be opened for developers of Smart TV applications.
We continue to work on creating a pool of strategic partners for 3D content so that owners of CINEMA 3D Smart TVs can enjoy the widest selection of 3D video / applications.

At CES in Las Vegas in January, the Google TV platform was presented, which will be used on our televisions in 2012.
View the presentation here:
Goal 3. To optimize production costs and make flat-panel TVs from 42 inches and above more accessible to the mass consumer .
Everything is simple and complicated at the same time: 2012 will be the year of optimizing the cost of TV panels. We plan to reduce our own costs of production, which will ultimately affect the reduction of final prices for products and will give us a competitive advantage and an increase in market share.
These will be our TVs in 2012->

Goal 4. Launch 3D OLED panels on the mass market, as well as new TVs with UHD resolution .
At the last CES Consumer Electronics Show, we presented two innovative products in the 3D TV category.
The first is the world's largest OLED 3D panels with stunning color reproduction, the most contrasting display, crystal clear picture and the highest frequency. The dimensions of the TV panel are also a nice addition, because its thickness is only 4 millimeters and its weight is 7.5 kg.

The second innovative product was 3D panels - Ultra High Definition.
84-inch UHD 3D TVs with a unique unprecedented screen resolution of 8 million pixels (3840 × 2160), which is 4 times higher than the highest resolution of current Full HD LED TVs. TVs also run on Cinema 3D technology and have Smart TV functionality.

And, most importantly, OLED and UHD panels are not test samples, their mass sale will begin in the second half of 2012. We plan to sell more than 250,000 OLED TVs in 2012, thereby securing our leadership in this so far “non-competitive” segment.
Home Appliances (washing machines, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, microwave ovens and other household appliances)
“The competition is getting more intense, but we are confident that an active investment strategy and the progressive development of technologies with solid growth potential will allow us to raise standards in the home appliance market,” says Moon-bum Shin is the Executive Vice President of the LG Electronics Home Appliance.

Thanks to the program adopted for 2012, we expect to double the volume of sales of household appliances (compared to 2011) and become the world cross-category No. 1 in the segment of “white” appliances by 2014.
Goal 1. Strengthen the business platform for optimization, production and logistics in the production of household appliances .
Despite the fact that we occupy a leading position in the field of “white” household appliances around the world, our strategic goal in 2012 is to maintain a consistently high quality of production and optimize logistics costs and the cost of manufacturing equipment.
Goal 2. To secure a technical advantage in the categories of washing machines and refrigerators .
Our arsenal has patents for technologies such as Direct Drive, No Frost, Linear Compressor, Light Wave and many other complex technological patents for hardware solutions in household appliances.
We are a leader in terms of innovative solutions and plan to use this advantage both through marketing communications (in order to convey knowledge of technology to the mass consumer), and through the development of new technologies in key products.
Therefore, in 2012 you will see many high-profile advertising campaigns and presentations of new technologies!
Flagships of home appliance lines in 2012 ->

Goal 3. Massive introduction of LG Thinq technology and smart devices in everyday household appliances .
Introducing smart, convenient and practical solutions to the mass market of household appliances is our key priority in a long-term strategy. Over the course of 5 years, we plan to make every third home in developed countries become a smart home.

Mobile Communications (mobile phones, smartphones, tablets)
“A few years ago we were known as a company that released“ feature phones ”(phones sharpened for one key area, approx. Camera phone). Last year, we became a smartphone company. Our next goal is to become the No. 1 company in the field of LTE / 4G smartphones. In 2012, we plan that the sales of LTE smartphones will be at least 50% of the sales of all smartphones ”- Executive President of LG Electronics Mobile Communications.

Goal 1. Take the niche of smartphones on the 4G platform (LTE).
As a patent leader in 4G communications and a leading developer of high-speed data transmission, we set ourselves the ambitious task of occupying the niche of LTE smartphones, getting ahead of the trend and becoming the main brand serving this niche.
4G = LG
Goal 2. Improve the quality of technical support for our products .
According to the results of 2011, we identified a number of problems associated with the technical support of our equipment.
In 2012, we plan to fix all current problems both in terms of service and technical support, and in terms of software support for products (create new firmware, provide remote support for products (remote connection to smartphones).
Goal 3. Keep the innovation trend in smartphones - to increase strategic innovations in display technologies, as well as to develop the production of mobile chipsets .
2011 made it clear that the future of the industry rests with manufacturers offering technologically innovative products. Consumer preferences have shifted in favor of high-quality high-tech displays, as well as productive chipsets, so in 2012 we plan to focus our efforts on creating smartphones that meet these needs.
That's all for now.
Best wishes for the new year.
Your LG team.