Internet at a speed of 900 km / h

    Speaking about remote work, one cannot ignore the topic of communications in moving. And if those going on vacation are happy to get rid of connections with the “big land” during the trip, then the “travelers” (and just knowing how to combine rest and work without prejudice to both) feel addicted to the Internet, barely moving from the waiting room to the airplane seat .

    The first lucky ones to fly Aeroflot flights with Megafon equipment installed could try access via mobile Internet using GPRS technology. True, with the current tariff (100 kb of traffic was 44 rubles), there is a risk of becoming a poor "robinson" before the plane reaches the southern islands.

    This year, airlines attended to the full Internetization of their flights on board the aircraft.

    Transaero plans to organize Wi-Fi Internet access for its passengers by the end of the year - 35 aircraft will be equipped with appropriate equipment. Aeroflot also talked about Wi-Fi networks, but has not yet specified the date.

    Airlines admit that Internet access is one of the three most asked questions. “In terms of frequency of questions, it is at the level of questions about the cost of tickets or baggage,” says Aeroflot, “80% of all wishes from passengers are connected precisely with the possibility of access to the Internet during the flight." The issue price and potential demand are separate nuances.

    The experience of foreign colleagues suggests that billing is not for traffic, but for the duration of the flight (which is always known).

    So, Gogo , a service from the Internet provider Aircell LLC, which provides the Wi-Fi network with eight of the largest US airlines (including AirTran Airways, Virgin America, Delta Air Lines, American Airlines and others), offers the following prices:
    • Up to 90 min - $ 4.95,
    • More than 90 minutes - $ 9.95,
    • Flights over 3 hours - $ 12.95.
    • Unlimited for a month - $ 34.95.
    Lufthansa equipped their planes with Wi-Fi :
    • HotSpot Sky Pass 1 hour: € 10.95 or 3,500 miles,
    • HotSpot Sky Pass 24 hours: € 19.95 or 7000 miles.
    Now the airline offers service to destinations in North America and the Middle East.

    Potential market size is also not easy to assess: only Virgin America reveals its numbers. According to the company, the share of “air” Wi-Fi subscribers averages 12–15% of the total number of passengers, but in some areas the figure reaches 20%.
    M. Planey , a consultant specializing in technologies available to passengers during the flight, also says that passengers would be happy to receive the service for free: “Even when we set the price to just a dollar, we noticed a huge drop in demand compared to free period ”.

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