Backbone boilerplate

    The American company Bocoup, like many other web developers, constantly uses the well-known "bulletproof" template in its work to create HTML5 sites HTML5 Boilerplate . However, the Bocoup employees decided not only to use, but to contribute to the common cause and rolled out for the general public no less conceptual thing - the Backbone Boilerplate , a set of the best tools and tricks for creating Backbone.js applications.

    Right out of the box we get:
    • Backbone, Underscore, and jQuery, all based on the HTML5 Boilerplate.
    • A Windows / Mac / Linux tool for precompiling templates, linking and minifying all libraries, application code, and CSS.
    • Lightweight web server node.js.
    • Numerous code snippets for Backbone that make life easier.
    The Backbone Boilerplate has a logical and elegant file system (separate code, auxiliary files, tests, builds) and it is possible to create your own Models / Collections / Views / Routers classes inside modules.

    The developers say that the project appeared as a result of their long attempts to work with other templates: it turned out that some do not have the assembly process, others impose unnecessary restrictions. The new Backbone Boilerplate aims to rectify the situation and could very well become canonical, as the HTML5 Boilerplate has become.

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