In February, Microsoft will launch Kinect for Windows

    Microsoft has announced the date of the official launch of the Kinect game controller for Windows. According to the head of the company, Steve Ballmer, during his presentation at the CES conference in the USA, Kinect will become available for Windows on February 1, 2012. Ballmer did not disclose the specific details of the news, but it is already known that it will be possible to manage applications in Windows without using a keyboard or mouse. The Kinect game controller for the Xbox has become a real hit from Microsoft in recent years: the novelty has moved game interaction to a radically different level, because all movements and game actions are controlled by people without unnecessary devices - only with their own bodies and hands.

    kinect for window sdk

    Now Microsoft is working with more than two hundred partners to launch applications for Kinect, so it is possible that in a month you can manage gestures not only in games, but also in application programs - documents or photo sorting.

    What new features of Windows with Kinect would you like to see?

    PS two-minute video with other news from Microsoft at the end of CES (Windows 8, Apps, Apps Store and Kinect):

    Full and other videos can be viewed here .

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