Welcome meeting in Arkhangelsk

    Oh, is there anyone from Arkhangelsk? We continue to expand the geography of habraofflines. There were those who forgot, Moscow , St. Petersburg , Kiev . Now I propose to arrange a collection of archangel residents. Let's get acquainted :) View at 500 rubles When: this Saturday, January 14 at 14 o’clock. Where: Chester Pub , 37 Troitsky Ave., table 22. What will happen:

    so that our acquaintance becomes not only pleasant, but also useful, I suggest those who wish to prepare a short, for 5-10 minutes, presentation on any interesting topic - in any professional field, presentation of your project or about IT in Arkhangelsk - in general, that you consider it important and want to discuss it with the habrasociety offline. Or just come to listen :) Write the topics of your speeches in the comments or on the event page: www.facebook.com/events/280311698689780

    And last, be sure to check in fb or in the comments if you want to come so that you can know in advance how many we will be. Thank you for understanding.

    PS Severodvintsy, also not stupid;)

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