Smart Phones for Smart Posts Contest - Winners

    Hello, Habr!

    A month and a half ago, we announced a competition for developers " Smart phones for smart posts ." To win, you had to write the most interesting article on one of the given topics on application development.

    The competition came to an end, the jury chose the third winner, and now we are ready to take stock.

    During the month of the contest, its participants wrote 26 articles on the development of Qt Quick / QML, the creation of mobile mapping applications and HTML5 applications, cases were written for creating mobile software and porting applications. Many posts turned out to be very interesting and informative - this can be judged by the number of votes cast for them.

    Actually, let's move on to the winners!
    • The first winner is unconditionally the beemaster user for the article “ Cross-platform is cool ”, gaining 157 points. The post tells how to write a cross-platform game running on Symbian, Maemo, MeeGo, iOS, Android, popular desktop OS and in the Google Chrome browser. Very interesting reading!
    • The second winner is the G0ran user for the article “ Using OpenGL Shaders in QML ”, which gained 68 pluses. The post is devoted to the use of OpenGL shaders in QML and is written in a very understandable language, understandable even for beginners.
    • The third winner, selected by the jury, is the user tass , who has written three competitive articles, earning a badge of Nokia Developer, giving five additional points for each post. At the same time, his best post “ Qt Components for the desktop ” scored 59 points, ranking third in the top of the competition posts - not counting the other two posts “ Calendar Feed for N9: what it is and how it was developed ” and “ Drag'n'Drop in QML is easy! Or 5 steps to the goal . "

    Each of the winners receives a new Nokia N9 smartphone on the MeeGo Harmattan OS.

    We thank all participants of the contest for interesting posts and congratulations on the upcoming holidays.

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