Citrix XenServer Free: Hypervizor hardening with PAM and RBAC

    Good day, colleagues.
    XenServer is one of the most popular hypervisors at the moment.
    Largely due to the fact that it provides good functionality “for free”.
    Therefore, many decisions are made on the Free version without Enterprise features.
    And the number of "paid" chips includes authorization using LDAP with the ability to differentiate user rights.
    Yes, you heard right. In free XenServer, all users are equal. That is, they have the role of Pool Admin.
    Let's try to figure out how we can “protect” the hypervisor in the free version?

    According to Citrix’s policy, XenServer versions called Free and Advanced are essentially single-user. That is, any user of the system will be perceived by XenAPI as a user with the PoolAdmin role. Which negatively affects the process of servicing the hypervisor from the point of view of information security.
    There are at least two ways to solve this problem without purchasing an Enterprise version.
    Let's start with the first, more simple and understandable.

    We will limit the circle of users of the system with access to XenApi.
    To do this, first create a file:

    [root @ xenserver /] # cd / etc /
    [root @ xenserver etc] # vi xapi_allow

    In it we will list the users allowed to manage the hypervisor.


    Thanks to the XenSource guys for what they did: this is the xapi PAM module for controlling access to the hypervisor. But by default, it is used in the system a little differently than we need.
    Therefore, we will delete all entries from it, and add new ones:

    [root @ xenserver /] # cd /etc/pam.d/
    [root @ xenserver pam.d] # vi xapi

    #% PAM-1.0
    auth required
    auth required item = user sense = allow file = / etc / xapi_allow
    auth sufficient try_first_pass nullok
    auth required
    account required
    password required try_first retry = 3
    password sufficient try_first_pass use_authtok nullok md5
    password required
    session optional revoke
    session required
    session [success = 1 default = ignore] service in crond quiet use_uid
    session required pam_unix

    Now, in order for the user to connect to the XenAPI, it is necessary that the record about him be contained in the xapi_allow file. Now it’s worth restricting access to this file:

    [root @ xenserver /] # chmod 600 / etc / xapi_allow

    Excellent! Now we can “prevent” users of the system that we do not want to control the hypervisor. Under the Free / Advanced license, perhaps this is all that can be done.
    But, you can go further. You can enable the use of RBAC systems. To do this, we need to enable external authentication in the system. Here we run into a license restriction, and cannot connect to LDAP. But no one bothers us to do this through PAM.

    [root @ xenserver /] # xe pool-enable-external-auth auth-type = PAM service-name = pam

    Now we need to assign roles to our users.
    But, alas, the Free / Advanced license does not allow this.
    Well, let's try to do this without violating the license.

    To get started, turn off all virtual machines. Subsequent manipulations can damage them.
    Now you need to find out the current list of roles on your server.

    [root @ xenserver /] # xe role-list
    uuid (RO): 7955168d-7bec-10ed-105f-c6a7e6e63249
    name (RO): vm-power-admin
    description (RO): The VM Power Administrator role has full access to VM and template management and can choose where to start VMs and use the dynamic memory control and VM snapshot features
    uuid (RO): aaa00ab5-7340-bfbc-0d1b-7cf342639a6e
    name (RO): vm-admin
    description (RO): The VM Administrator role can manage VMs and templates
    uuid (RO): fb8d4ff9-310c-a959-0613-54101535d3d5
    name (RO): vm-operator
    description (RO): The VM Operator role can use VMs and interact with VM consoles
    uuid (RO): 7233b8e3-eacb-d7da-2c95-f2e581cdbf4e
    name (RO): read-only
    description (RO): The Read-Only role can log in with basic read-only access
    uuid (RO): b9ce9791-0604-50cd-0649-09b3284c7dfd
    name (RO): pool-operator
    description (RO): The Pool Operator role manages host- and pool-wide resources, including setting up storage, creating resource pools and managing patches, high availability (HA) and workload balancing (WLB)
    uuid (RO): 0165f154-ba3e-034e-6b27-5d271af109ba
    name (RO) : pool-admin
    description (RO): The Pool Administrator role has full access to all features and settings, including accessing Dom0 and managing subjects, roles and external authentication

    These are the roles that you can use on your server.
    Now add user entities.

    [root @ xenserver /] # xe subject-add subject-name = admin1

    And make sure everything is done correctly and your new subject has received the pool-admin rights by default.

    [root @ xenserver /] # xe subject-list
    uuid (RO): 932d3540-d08c-bbf8-adf8-03c0f9aaaf43
    subject-identifier (RO): u501
    other-config (MRO): subject-name: admin1; subject-uid: u501; subject-gid: g501; subject-gecos :; subject-displayname: admin1; subject-is-group: false; subject-account-disabled: false; subject-account-expired: false; subject-account-locked: false; subject-password-expired: false
    roles (SRO): pool-admin

    Now we need to set him the necessary rights. Tools for this, unfortunately, are blocked by a license. But no one bothers to do this "manually" by editing the state.db database file .
    As a convenient method, I recommend using "mini" programs similar to those described
    Now I will describe how to do it manually. First, stop XenAPI.

    [root @ xenserver /] # /etc/init.d/xapi stop

    Now open the file /var/xapi/state.db in your favorite editor:

    [root @ xenserver /] # vi /var/xapi/state.db

    Now search the “admin1” file (the name of the user you added). We are interested in these lines:

    other_config = "(('subject-name' 'admin1') ('subject-uid' 'u501') ('subject-gid' 'g501') ('subject-gecos' '') ('subjec
    t-displayname' 'admin1') ('subject-is-group' 'false') ('subject-account-disabled' 'false') ('subject-account-expired' 'false') ('subject-account-locked'
    'false ') (' subject-password-expired '' false ')) "subject_identifier =" u501 "uuid =" 932d3540-d08c-bbf8-adf8-03c0f9aaaf43 "roles ="

    As you see, you can also change roles manually in the "roles =" section. Change our user role from "pool-admin" to "read-only":

    roles = "('OpaqueRef: 7233b8e3-eacb-d7da-2c95-f2e581cdbf4e')"

    Okay Now run XenAPI back and check the result:

    [root @ xenserver /] # /etc/init.d/xapi start
    Starting xapi: .... start-of-day complete. [OK]
    [root @ xenserver /] # xe subject-list
    uuid (RO): 932d3540-d08c-bbf8-adf8-03c0f9aaaf43
    subject-identifier (RO): u501
    other-config (MRO): subject-name: admin1; subject-uid: u501; subject-gid: g501; subject-gecos :; subject-displayname: admin1; subject-is-group: false; subject-account-disabled: false; subject-account-expired: false; subject-account-locked: false; subject-password-expired: false
    roles (SRO): read-only

    That's all. You can start virtual machines back.
    Thus, without violating the license, we were able to use RBAC with authentication through PAM.
    Hello everyone, thank you for your attention.

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