RBK Money and a professional wallet, be careful

    I wanted to buy a thing on the Internet, because I conveniently chose it, paid with a card, and the next day the purchase was already brought to your office. After selecting and putting in the basket the thing that interests me, I clicked “Pay” and got to the oplata.info gateway. They don’t accept cards, so look for workarounds. When I try to pay via the poison, the message “Store equipment error” falls out and my choice fell on RBK Money ...

    I registered without any problems (indicating really a lot of information about myself), put the required amount from the card into a new wallet, returned to oplata.info, clicked “Pay using RBK Money ”, entered the payment password, and ...

    Like this. You can enter money, but not spend. Only by purchasing a “professional wallet". Which by the way costs 50 rubles and takes 2 days. You can withdraw money to the card, it's free, but also not fast. In support, they said that you can pay with this money, but not through payment gateways (apparently only to stores that themselves are connected to RBK Money).

    Draw your own conclusions.

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