Economic issues of working with the Windows Store in Windows 8 for developers

    The Windows Store app store under development by Windows 8 was officially announced by Microsoft on December 7th. The developers of the store said that the applications in it will be paid and free, and it will work in 231 countries of the world.

    Today, the Ukrainian IT community on one of the rather large resources devoted to IT topics, it was reported that the Windows Store application store will also work in Ukraine. Not only that, Ukrainians will be able to buy applications in their own national currency, which should be extremely convenient ... The statement came from Microsoft Director in Ukraine Dmitry Shimkiv, so there is no doubt about the validity of the information.

    As a developer, of course, I was more interested in questions about getting programs into the Windows Store. Fortunately, this issue was also highlighted and it looks like this:
    • When registering with the Windows Store, developers will be required to make a payment of $ 49. There is a certification procedure for new Metro applications, the requirements of which can be found here .
    • For legal entities, the amount of payment is $ 99.
    • In the Windows Store, developers can use any convenient advertising platform created both by Microsoft and a third-party manufacturer.
    • Developers receive 70% of the payments for the purchase of their applications. In addition, if the proceeds exceed $ 25 thousand, then the amount of payment to the developer increases to 80%.

    Thus, we can conclude: given that Microsoft passed "... a mark of 500 million sold licenses for Windows 7, representing 500 million computers that could have been upgraded to Windows 8 upon delivery," the potential audience for the developed applications is indeed more than significant. It remains only to wait for the launch of Windows 8 and evaluate the real possibility of working with the Windows Store.

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