iPod Touch - Get the Most!
Installing Programs on iPod Touch
All that you do - you do at your own peril and risk!
Installing applications for iPod Touch was initially blocked by the manufacturer. To unlock, we use the widely known method for unlocking the iPhone - iJailbreak. To do this, we need to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi.
So, let's start:
1. First, select Settings -> General -> Auto-lock and set it to “Never” for those who have low Internet speed via Wi-Fi, since the player goes into “sleep mode” (blocked) and when downloading applications, the connection may break and after unlocking we will see an inscription that the installation failed.
2. Open the built-in Safari browser, enter jailbreakme.com in the address bar, scroll through the page and select the Install AppSnapp link. Safari will crash and the download and installation of the application will begin. It is necessary to wait for the process. Then turn off the player and turn it on again as a result, we will see the Installer application icon on the desktop
Now we can install any applications (programs)!
3. In order to be able to access the player’s “insides” through a computer, we install additional applications. Run Installer, select Install and install the Bsd subsystem application. After installing the application, the player automatically restarts. Then you need to install OpenSSH for a while the player will not show any signs of life ... we are waiting.
4. Now we’ll install additional applications that are installed by default on the iPhone — Google Maps (map), Mobile Mail (mail), Mobile Notes (notes), Stocks (stock prices), Weaher (weather), and the player’s users are deprived , restore justice :)
To do this, run Installer, select Sources -> Edit -> Add, enter the address repo.us.to. The item iPhone 1.1.1 Apps for ... and iPhone 1.1.2 Apps for ... appears in the list of available applications by the Install button.
First, install Google Maps Prep and Mobile Mail Prep, then you can put the applications Map and Mail themselves.
Weather application
There is a bug in firmware 1.1.1:
If you set the Russian regional settings in the settings (time, number format), then the weather widget DOES NOT FIND even foreign cities!
Everything is decided by temporary installation in the Region Format menu in English, after that add the necessary cities, and then, to taste, you can return the regional settings again.
5. Set the "decorations".
Customize application does not fully work to set up the desktop, so we’ll install SummerBoard (adds themes, scrolling the desktop, wallpaper). Themes can be downloaded and installed through the same Installer.
I recommend the SmoothByAdamJaz theme or my fiRst tHeem ;-)
6. We put the Russian keyboard.
As in paragraph 4, install the new Source and enter the address russianiphone.ru/betaAs a result, we get access to new Russification applications.
Thanks for the application to the author .
From the Russification section, install the following packages: Mobile Enhancer. You can not restart the phone after installation - do it later. Then we put the “Russian keyboard”. Exit Installer.app by pressing the bottom phone button (Home). Restart the player (by turning it off) The
Russian keyboard is sometimes buggy and may lead to the crash of some applications (I encountered this in Google Maps)
7. Installing games.
I recommend installing the Dendy game console emulator - the NES application, located in the Games section. The games themselves (images, ROMs) must be copied over the computer via Wi-Fi to the / var / root / Media / ROMs / NES folder (you need to create the ROMs and NES folder). You can also play with Light Off.
8. Reading RSS.
In order to read our favorite bashorg install RSS aggregator - MobileRSS.
9. Books.
You need to install the application through the Installer, called Books. Text files to be read must be copied to the / var / root / Media / EBooks / folder (you must create an EBooks folder) necessarily in Unicode format! otherwise the Russian text will not be displayed correctly. The reader understands only txt and html formats.
Read more in the articleinstalling programs on ipod touch
All that you do - you do at your own peril and risk!
Installing applications for iPod Touch was initially blocked by the manufacturer. To unlock, we use the widely known method for unlocking the iPhone - iJailbreak. To do this, we need to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi.
So, let's start:
1. First, select Settings -> General -> Auto-lock and set it to “Never” for those who have low Internet speed via Wi-Fi, since the player goes into “sleep mode” (blocked) and when downloading applications, the connection may break and after unlocking we will see an inscription that the installation failed.
2. Open the built-in Safari browser, enter jailbreakme.com in the address bar, scroll through the page and select the Install AppSnapp link. Safari will crash and the download and installation of the application will begin. It is necessary to wait for the process. Then turn off the player and turn it on again as a result, we will see the Installer application icon on the desktop
Now we can install any applications (programs)!
3. In order to be able to access the player’s “insides” through a computer, we install additional applications. Run Installer, select Install and install the Bsd subsystem application. After installing the application, the player automatically restarts. Then you need to install OpenSSH for a while the player will not show any signs of life ... we are waiting.
4. Now we’ll install additional applications that are installed by default on the iPhone — Google Maps (map), Mobile Mail (mail), Mobile Notes (notes), Stocks (stock prices), Weaher (weather), and the player’s users are deprived , restore justice :)
To do this, run Installer, select Sources -> Edit -> Add, enter the address repo.us.to. The item iPhone 1.1.1 Apps for ... and iPhone 1.1.2 Apps for ... appears in the list of available applications by the Install button.
First, install Google Maps Prep and Mobile Mail Prep, then you can put the applications Map and Mail themselves.
Weather application
There is a bug in firmware 1.1.1:
If you set the Russian regional settings in the settings (time, number format), then the weather widget DOES NOT FIND even foreign cities!
Everything is decided by temporary installation in the Region Format menu in English, after that add the necessary cities, and then, to taste, you can return the regional settings again.
5. Set the "decorations".
Customize application does not fully work to set up the desktop, so we’ll install SummerBoard (adds themes, scrolling the desktop, wallpaper). Themes can be downloaded and installed through the same Installer.
I recommend the SmoothByAdamJaz theme or my fiRst tHeem ;-)
6. We put the Russian keyboard.
As in paragraph 4, install the new Source and enter the address russianiphone.ru/betaAs a result, we get access to new Russification applications.
Thanks for the application to the author .
From the Russification section, install the following packages: Mobile Enhancer. You can not restart the phone after installation - do it later. Then we put the “Russian keyboard”. Exit Installer.app by pressing the bottom phone button (Home). Restart the player (by turning it off) The
Russian keyboard is sometimes buggy and may lead to the crash of some applications (I encountered this in Google Maps)
7. Installing games.
I recommend installing the Dendy game console emulator - the NES application, located in the Games section. The games themselves (images, ROMs) must be copied over the computer via Wi-Fi to the / var / root / Media / ROMs / NES folder (you need to create the ROMs and NES folder). You can also play with Light Off.
8. Reading RSS.
In order to read our favorite bashorg install RSS aggregator - MobileRSS.
9. Books.
You need to install the application through the Installer, called Books. Text files to be read must be copied to the / var / root / Media / EBooks / folder (you must create an EBooks folder) necessarily in Unicode format! otherwise the Russian text will not be displayed correctly. The reader understands only txt and html formats.
Read more in the articleinstalling programs on ipod touch