CentALT repository for CentOS 6.x / RHEL 6.x

    Created a package repository for CentOS 6.x / RHEL 6.x.

    So far, the composition of the repository is as follows:

    Conntrack-tools - the package contains utilities for manipulating conntrack connections from userspace;

    Dnstop - the utility allows you to analyze queries to your DNS server;

    Dns_flood_detector - the utility allows you to identify which of the IP addresses make more than X queries per second to your DNS server;

    Dovecot - POP3 / IMAP server of the latest version of

    Postfix - very popular MTA, the assembly is carried out with support for the MySQL database, PostgreSQL, also the VDA patch is included in the assembly ;

    Mc - Midnight Commander Console File Manager;

    Http - Web server apache latest version with ITK patches ;

    Mod_rpaf - module for apache to replace REMOTE_ADDR on the backend server with the value transmitted from the frontend, through the X-Forwarded-For header. Allows you to hide front-end / back-end separation from scripts and see normal IP users, instead of the front-end IP.

    Mod_realip2 - a similar module (mod_rpaf) for apache for replacing REMOTE_ADDR on the backend server with the value transmitted from the frontend through the X-Forwarded-For header. Allows you to hide front-end / back-end separation from scripts and see normal IP users, instead of the front-end IP.

    Mysql - The latest version of MySQL branch 5.5.x;

    Nginx - The repository is available 2 different versions of the server web:

    Package nginx - the development version of nginx.
    Nginx -V output
    configure arguments:


    The nginx-stable package is the latest stable version of nginx.
    Output nginx -V Php - latest version of php 5.3.x; Unbound - a productive caching recursive DNS server; Vsftpd - ftp server with the patch enabled, which allows you to specify the encoding of the server and client in the configuration file; Flow-tools - a package for working with data in Netflow format; Fprobe, softflowd, ipcad - Netflow data collectors; Quagga - ospfd, bgpd, etc .; Bird - ospfd, bgpd; Sc - a package for shaping / policing traffic in Linux; Ipset is the ipset binary itself, which, for some reason, was forgotten to be included in the RHEL 6.2 distribution package. Repository installation
    configure arguments:


    CentALT repository requires a connected EPEL repository for its operation.

    Installation is as follows:

    For i386 architecture:

    1. Install the epel repository. 2. Install the CentALT repository. For x86_64 architecture: 1. Install the epel repository. 2. Install the CentALT repository. View the list of packages in the repository here . If you have any wishes / suggestions / recommendations on the contents / work of this repository, I will take them into account with pleasure. Thanks in advance.




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