January 21, PHP developers conference phpDev Minsk to be held

    • Are you comfortable with the code you write?
    • Are you an elite currency PHP shnik or just starting your way studying manuals?
    • How often did you think, spending nights in a hard debug, that there is an easier way?

    You won’t believe it, but there are a lot of the same obsessed people around who get almost physical pleasure from elegant solutions and beautiful code! And all these wonderful and wonderful people will gather the phpDev Minsk conference, which will be held in the conference hall of the Victoria Hotel on January 21 with the support of Intetics.

    What you can learn at the conference:
    • How to cook Sphinx with Real Sauce
    • What's new about PHP 5.4 you would like to know, but were afraid to ask
    • Can PHP be used in bloody Enterprise-level applications?
    • How to use DB stored procedures from a ZF application
    • Why come up with standard libraries or what is SPL
    • Who is a PHP Architect and Does It Meet in Nature
    • How to keep a project from anarchy using Git and GitHub

    Participation in the conference is free, but the number of seats is limited, so in order to participate in the conference, please leave a request here .

    By the way, if you feel the strength to speak to your esteemed audience with your topic, write to the organizers before January 10.

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