YINLIPS YDP-G18 or PS Vita in Chinese

    Good day,% username%! For more than 24 hours, PS Vita, the new miracle set-top box from Sony, which noble samurai sell on ebay for 500-600 dollars, has been sold for the whole day in the Land of the Rising Sun. However, few people know that for a month now in China her twin sister has been sold at a price of just over $ 120. Below it will be discussed.

    Immediately I ask you to note that I personally do not have a device in my hands and this review preview will be based solely on the reviews of the happy owners of the device and the videos shot by them.


    Display : touch 5.0-inch TFT ( resistive )
    Resolution : 800x480
    Operating system : Android 2.2.1
    Camera : Rear - 5 megapixels (there is reason to believe that there are 3 with upscale to 5), front - 2 megapixels
    CPU : Cortex A9 AMlogic AML8726- M @ 800MHz ARMv7, does not support 3G, but supports USB-host (in practice, everything is completely different for now)
    GPU : Mali 400 395MHz
    RAM : 512M WiFi and FM
    HDMI output
    Internal memory : 4Gb (how much is actually available to the user - not I can say)
    Dimensions : 175mm x 75mm x 20mm
    Weight : 200g
    Battery: 2900mAh
    Battery life : 5 hours of video; 8 hours of music; 3-4 hours to fully boot the device.
    Of course, there is an accelerometer, support for hardware decoding of FullHD-video (which in conjunction with HDMI can be very useful), Flash 10.x (probably higher), a built-in microphone, stereo speakers, as well as all the goodies of a modern 5-inch android - a tablet.
    The device, surprisingly, does not have a GSM module, GPS and bluetooth, and the CPU does not support 3G. The console communicates with a PC via USB 2.0.

    Externally, the system behaves responsively, the interface does not slow down. The browser supports Flash version 10.x, however, I do not exclude the possibility of updating the player from the market to version 11. There is support for OpenGL ES 2.0. The OS also loads fast enough - in 30-40 seconds.
    The results of the benchmarks can be found below:

    Appearance and equipment

    Cute black (or white, as you like more) glossy toy, inexorably reminds itself of PSP Vita. The dimensions are not very small - 175mm x 75mm x 20mm, which corresponds to the size of PSP Fat. A large part of the device is occupied by a resistive five-inch screen (about it separately below).
    On the left is a cross, analog, front camera and ESC button, which performs the function of the back button. On the right are almost standard game keys with a somewhat non-standard letter designation, which, in other matters, does not affect the game at all. In place of the second analogue, Vita has a double Start, Select button. A little lower is the function key. If you hold it down, you can adjust the volume using the up / down keys on the joystick, respectively. Where the “triangle” is located on the joystick from Sony, and the “OK” button flaunts on the joystick from the Xbox “Y”. What she does can be understood from the name. In the menu, by the way, the Start button duplicates it.
    Two shifts are visible from above left and right, as on the PSP.

    There is nothing interesting in the back - the camera eye, as well as embossed protrusions to make the console more comfortable in the hand. I think there would be more sense if the protrusions were made of soft-touch plastic, and not of easily soiled gloss.

    At the bottom of the device (left to right) there is a slot for a MicroSD memory card, which is typical, without a plug, two minijack 3.5mm headphone outputs (at first, it was thought that the second is a composite output for playing on TV, but alas) micro-USB connector, charger connector (USB charging not supported) and reset button (: 3 very prudent).

    The top end carries everything that is left of the buttons familiar to Android devices (left to right): menu button, home, mini-HDMI, device shutdown button. On the sides, familiar to everyone who has ever seen a PSP, are transparent cipher buttons. And that’s it.

    The assembly of the device is not up to par, but it does not cause any particular complaints. Glossy glossy plastic, from which the entire body of the device is made, immediately catches your eye. Alas, I can’t say anything more bad about the build quality. However, good too.
    I will dwell on the buttons separately - they are pressed with a noticeable click, so playing best with headphones. The analogue, which is under the crosspiece, is really an analogue, but in games and applications it behaves strangely - it duplicates the crosspiece. At first, there were doubts about its truth, but the preparation of the device dispelled all doubts. Photos of the parsing can be found here - http://www.flickr.com/photos/53589715@N03/ . Picking in the kernel also confirms the analogy of the analogue - CONFIG_ADC_KEYPADS_AM = y. Maybe with the release of the firmware update something will change.
    I note that complaints about the work of the cross are slipping, then it sinks, then it behaves inappropriately. It is treated with wipe through recovery and a rubber eraser under the cross. China is such a China.

    The device comes in a small box, a little more than the device itself. Inside the console, a manual in Chinese and a warranty card (sic!), A power supply with a Chinese plug, miserable headphones, a cord for connecting to a PC and a noname 4GB memory card. Quite a standard gentleman's set.

    Included with the device is also a bunch of pre-installed emulators. Most of them are paid versions of emulators from the market. There are Sega MD, NES, SNES, MAME, Playstation, Nintendo 64, GameBoy, GameBoy Avance, Sega MasterSystem, Sega GameGear emulators, but there is no market out of the box - you need to install it separately.


    The screen makes a very good impression. Five inches, resistive, very responsive, resolution 800x480, 16 million colors. In videos, it may seem that his responsiveness is poor, however, this is explained by the fact that it is not convenient to shoot and work with the screen at the same time. I also note the good viewing angles of the screen:

    It’s not clear how the device will behave with modern android games, which they don’t know about the existence of any buttons there. A capacitive screen would be very useful at least for two touches, but alas. Simple toys, those that are enough for one touch, behave appropriately and responsibly. Statesmen would like:

    The form factor of the device is somewhere between the tablet and the game console, which in conjunction with the touchscreen gives a good help for browsing. And the ARMv7 processor allows you to put any of the modern browsers.


    On board the device is standard Android 2.2.1. Neither a modified interface, nor alternative launchers. But the full clip of emulators for almost any platform younger than 2000. For some reason, all the standard hardkey buttons for android are duplicated in the android status bar.

    The menu is fast and responsive, however, personally, I would personally advise immediately changing the launcher to something more convenient. Most pre-installed programs are naturally emulators. I believe that the main target audience consists of emulators. They will not even become particularly indignant about the resistive screen =)
    Most of the emulators belong to the .EMU series, which, as you know, are not free. For emulating Nintendo 64, n64droid is used, for PSX - FPSe. MAME - TigerMAME, although it would be more logical to use MAME4All. It is interesting that emulators are wired into the firmware and without root they simply can not be deleted. But then, having pumped them from the market and making sure that they work normally, you can hope for auto-updates and reassign hard buttons. You can recall what and how is emulated on android thanks to this article -habrahabr.ru/blogs/android/111168
    Emulation is at a very high level, it supports anti-aliasing, various display types, frame skip, quicksaves and more. It nags a bit, but I think that with each new version of the emulator there will be less and less lags. PSX is emulated almost perfectly. You can evaluate the work of the programs below at the links:
    PSX :

    Scumm VM :

    Nintendo 64 via HDMI :

    SEGA MD :

    SNES :

    In addition to emulators, most modern games work. However, no one conducted rigorous testing.
    The device has Recovery, and you can also put a market. By the way, two updates have already been released that fix something in the camera. In addition, the developers promised in half a year to invest in porting 2.3 to the device, and also not to throw emulators and periodically throw out their updates. I really hope that someone with xda notice and fall in love with the console, which is usually fraught with beautiful offspring. You look and ICS will appear. The platform is gracious.

    How to enter recovery, install ROOT and the market is described in the following videos:

    Where and by what to buy?

    You can buy a console already at several trading floors.

    detail.tmall.com/item.htm?prt=1323372945837&id=13969560061&prc=1 - 640 yuan
    detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=13969560061&prt=1323372945835&prc=1 - 640 yuan
    item.taobao.com/item.htm? id = 13512055982 - 680 yuan
    www.etronixmart.com/yinlips-ydpg18-wifi-android-game-console-smart-mini-tablet-p-975.html - 119ue


    A very interesting device for fans to play retro games. Modern games will feel uncomfortable due to the resistive screen, however, old console games will be more than enough for many, many hours.
    + Form factor of a portable game console
    + Large screen
    + Low price
    + An abundance of emulators out of the box
    + WiFi
    + HDMI
    + Two headphone outputs
    + This is not a PS Vita

    - China
    - Doubtful build quality
    - Resistive screen
    - Lack of 3G support, bluetooth, GPS
    - Very short battery life
    - This is not a PS Vita

    useful links

    Discussion of the console on the OpenPandora.org forum
    Discussion of the console on the Dingoonity.org forum
    Topic on the Russian forum w3bsit3-dns.com.
    These are the most famous and popular forums about emulation topics.
    Movie in Spanish, 49 minutes, show full face, menu, PSX and Nintendo emulation 64
    Playing a video
    Configuring an emulator

    Ask your answers and I will try to give you an answer based on what I read on the forums.
    Something like this. I apologize for the blurry text - my first review.

    UPD1 . A pleasant surprise - multiplayer via WiFi is supported.
    UPD2 . Dear habro-people, this thing from fans of emulation for fans of emulation and a point. Plus features of an inexpensive Chinese tablet for little money. Comparison with the PSP is only external. Let's just take it that way and, in general, abstract from the PSP.
    UPD3 01/31/2011 : A new video with the launch of Quake3 on the device. www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdZP9rLLZqA
    And another pimple on the f * e of this device - simultaneous clicks on nearby buttons do not work. Something like this.

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