Announcement of PCI Express 4.0 bus (speed up to 32 GB / s in x16 slot)

    PCI SIG announced the PCI Express (PCIe) 4.0 computer bus standard, which will deliver record bandwidth of 16 gigatransfer per second per line, twice the speed limit of the PCIe 3.0 bus.

    16 GT / s corresponds to a speed of approximately 2 GB / s per x1 line, that is, a video card in the x16 slot will be able to transfer up to 32 GB / s over PCIe 4.0 bus. Probably this speed will be enough for peripherals for the next decade.

    Preliminary technical analysis showed that the production of PCIe 4.0 will be possible on current equipment with existing materials and will not require the introduction of a new process technology, and the devices themselves will retain approximately the same level of energy consumption as PCIe 3.0. PCIe 4.0 devices and connectors will be backward compatible with previous bus versions.

    The announcement of PCIe 4.0 took place long before the first PCIe 3.0 devices appeared on sale, this is expected only in 2012. Final PCIe 4.0 specifications will be released no earlier than 2014 or 2015.

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