Install asterisk 1.6 with freepbx on centos 5.7 in amazon ec2

To begin with, we will create Instance with types t1.micro and ami-9f4f81f6 in amazon EC2, this is ami with a minimum centos of 5.7 x64 and a disk storage on EBS of 6 gigabytes, when creating through the web interface you will be asked to create Security Groups (firewall) with one rule to skip to server 22 port for ssh (you can add other rules), you will also be offered to create Key Pairs (key pairs for authorization via ssh), create them and save yourself a * .pem file. Next, create an Elastic IP (Allocate New Adress) and bind (Associate Address) it to our Instance. I will also answer that this Instance fits into the framework of free use in the first year of working with amazon .
I use putty to connect via ssh , and he does not know how to work with * .pem keys. Convert pem using the utilityputtygen , run the utility, click Load and select your pem file, click Save private key and save the key in ppk (putty private key) format. To palm off keys in putty during authorization, I use pageant.exe , just run it and it will appear in the tray, go into it and click add key and select your key.
It's time to log in to our Instance, copy the IP of your Instance from Elastic IP, which you tied to it, enter it in putty and log in as root, you will be admitted without a password by key if you have certainly done all the previous steps correctly.
Next, we need to install several repositories and I always put mc.
To set the EPEL repository, run the command:
rpm -Uvhdownload.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/5/i386/epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm
To connect repositories with asterisk create 4 files in the /etc/yum.repos.d directory with the following contents (in italics file names are highlighted)
centos-asterisk.repo centos-digium.repo centos-asterisk-1.6.2.repo centos-digium-1.6.2.repo Next, you need to install asterisk, freepbx and mc. yum install asterisk freepbx mc -y Now you can try to restart asterisk and apache service asterisk restart service httpd restart Create a rule in the Security Group to pass port 80 and try to go to freepbx (the web interface for configuring asterisk) at an address from Elastic Ip having scanned the address in the browser
name=CentOS-$releasever - Asterisk - Current
name=CentOS-$releasever - Asterisk - Beta
name=CentOS-$releasever - Digium - Current
name=CentOS-$releasever - Digium - Beta
name=CentOS-$releasever - Asterisk 1.6.2
name=CentOS-$releasever - Digium 1.6.2