Google hides bold projects of the future in a secret laboratory

Google has a secret laboratory, which even many employees of the company are not aware of and in which projects are being developed whose descriptions sound like from a science fiction film. This is described in the article by the New York Times.
In a laboratory located somewhere in the San Francisco Bay area, Google’s brightest engineers are working on dozens of projects. This is the place where your refrigerator can be connected to the Internet and order groceries when they run out. Your plate can inform on a social network what you eat. And your robot can go to the office while you are at home in your pajamas.
An unnamed Google engineer said the lab is working secretly in two different office buildings — one for logistics and one for robot projects.
Among the scientists working in the laboratory, there are employees of Microsoft, Nokia, Stanford, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Carnegie Mellon and New York University. Reportedly, Google co-founder Sergey Brin is “deeply involved” in the project, and together with co-founder Larry Page he made a list of ideas for the laboratory.
The laboratory is headed by a robotics and artificial intelligence expert Sebastian Tran from Stanford, known for working on the first autopilot car in the world. Andrew Angie, a Stanford professor and equally well-known AI expert, also works in the lab.
Google did not confirm the existence of the laboratory, but noted that Google likes to invest in risky projects. The well-known principle of 20%, which allows Google engineers to spend a fifth of their work time on personal projects, is one example of this, but a secret laboratory develops this idea further and makes one wonder which of these technologies will become a full-fledged product. According to sources, one product will be released by the end of this year.
via Mashable