RIF-Voronezh will be held November 10-11

    RIF-Voronezh 2011 - the main it-event of the region!
    Russian Internet Forum, an all-Russian event dedicated to the Internet and the Internet industry.

    The forum will include exhibitions, workshops, seminars, round tables on the program of the event.
    An opportunity to talk informally with an IT guru and find out all your questions and gain knowledge.
    The event will feature a large number of reports on topics:
    SEO, Analytics, Security, Web Development, Government Initiatives, Marketing, Mobile Applications, Advertising, Media, Social Networks, Startups, Studios and Clients, Management and Human Resources, E-Commerce, Usability. (At the moment, there are 23 reports, but this indicator is growing).
    And there will also be custom reports that anyone can read (currently 7 pieces).

    In addition, there will be an exhibition at which there will be stands of various companies and much more.

    Registration on the RIF website is required. Until November 2, registration is free. Visiting workshops, seminars will be on badges. From November 3 to 9 - registration of 300 rubles. Registration during the event - 500 rubles.

    Registration gives the right to:
    - attend the exhibition, any workshops, seminars, round tables on the program of the event;
    - make appointments to participants, experts (the function is being tested, will be launched later);
    - receive gifts from partners of the event;
    - access to the forum materials (video from sections, speaker presentations);
    and just enter the history of RIF-Voronezh 2011!

    It is also a chance to talk informally with professionals in the IT field and find out everything of interest, as well as gain new knowledge.

    Where and when?

    The forum will be held November 10-11, 2011 on the 2nd floor of the city-park "Grad" (3 km of the Voronezh-Moscow highway).

    Details on the event website - 2011.rifvrn.ru

    PS It is strange that there is no mention of the RIF on Habré.
    PPS habrahabr.ru/events/235 published as an event.

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