Semi-automatic bot for the game "Farm Frenzy"
Good evening, readers of Habr! Recently, one person showed a macro bot for the browser-based game Diamond Dash, a post . And he did everything using the macro language AutoIt. And I remembered that I used the AutoIt library to develop a semi-automatic bot in C #.
As I developed, see below ...
The first thing I downloaded was AutoIt ( AutoIt Full Installation ) and installed it. Then he added a library to VisualStudio. I don’t know why, but I couldn’t use the library without installing the exe file.
The essence of my program was that I needed to select a rectangle and then use its hot keys to indicate its position, and also to indicate how many fields were in it.
For instance:

To use hot keys, I used a class found on the Internet , which used hot keys not only with the application active window, but also with the inactive one.
My hotkey code: We get 3 hotkeys: Shift + Q, Shift + W, Shift + E, which execute the events position1, position2 and position3. You can use not only Shift but also Ctrl, Alt, Win or nothing.
We pass the program the position for calculating the grid on which you want to make clicks.
Calculation Code: Parameters:
And the most interesting thing in the Shag method , in which we call the method from the AutoIt MouseClick library, its parameters:
Well, that's all I have shown you. Sources of my program: Download .
A small video of the application:
PS: I express my gratitude to my mother, who once asked me to come up with how to spend less time on the Merry Farm applications, but since she couldn’t refuse anything, I wrote this program. At first I had to teach her a little how to use the program, but now she is happy.
Thanks to all.
As I developed, see below ...
Necessary tools for work
- VisualStudio 2010 itself
- C # Skills
- And AutoIt library
The first thing I downloaded was AutoIt ( AutoIt Full Installation ) and installed it. Then he added a library to VisualStudio. I don’t know why, but I couldn’t use the library without installing the exe file.
Beginning of work
The essence of my program was that I needed to select a rectangle and then use its hot keys to indicate its position, and also to indicate how many fields were in it.
For instance:

- The position of the rectangle is given by points 1.1, 1.n, n.1.
- Height 4
- Width 3
To use hot keys, I used a class found on the Internet , which used hot keys not only with the application active window, but also with the inactive one.
My hotkey code: We get 3 hotkeys: Shift + Q, Shift + W, Shift + E, which execute the events position1, position2 and position3. You can use not only Shift but also Ctrl, Alt, Win or nothing.
HotKey[] Key = new HotKey[4];
Key[1] = new HotKey();
Key[2] = new HotKey();
Key[3] = new HotKey();
Key[1].KeyModifier = HotKey.KeyModifiers.Shift;
Key[1].Key = Keys.Q;
Key[1].HotKeyPressed += new KeyEventHandler(position1);
Key[2].KeyModifier = HotKey.KeyModifiers.Shift;
Key[2].Key = Keys.W;
Key[2].HotKeyPressed += new KeyEventHandler(position2);
Key[3].KeyModifier = HotKey.KeyModifiers.Shift;
Key[3].Key = Keys.E;
Key[3].HotKeyPressed += new KeyEventHandler(position3);
Calculation of points for a "click":
We pass the program the position for calculating the grid on which you want to make clicks.
Calculation Code: Parameters:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int shirina = Convert.ToInt32(textBox4.Text);
int Vnax, Vnay, Vx, Vy, Nx, Ny;
Vx = Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Text);
Vy = Convert.ToInt32(textBox2.Text);
Nx = Convert.ToInt32(textBox3.Text);
Ny = Convert.ToInt32(textBox6.Text);
Vnax = (Convert.ToInt32(textBox7.Text) - Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Text)) / (shirina - 1);
Vnay = (Convert.ToInt32(textBox2.Text) - Convert.ToInt32(textBox8.Text)) / (shirina - 1);
for (int i = 1; i <= shirina; i++)
Shag(Vx, Vy, Nx, Ny);
Vx += Vnax;
Vy -= Vnay;
Nx += Vnax;
Ny -= Vnay;
private void Shag(int Vx, int Vy, int Nx, int Ny)
int vysota = Convert.ToInt32(textBox5.Text);
int nax, nay, x, y;
int nS = 4;
int nCout = 1;
String Str = "left";
nax = (Nx - Vx) / (vysota - 1);
nay = (Ny - Vy) / (vysota - 1);
x = Vx;
y = Vy;
for (int i = 1; i <= vysota; i++)
autoIt.MouseClick(Str, x, y, nCout, nS);
x += nax;
y += nay;
- Vx, Vy the top position of the point
- Nx, Ny lower point position
And the most interesting thing in the Shag method , in which we call the method from the AutoIt MouseClick library, its parameters:
- x, y - point position for click
- nS - cursor movement speed from one point to another
- nCout - number of clicks
- Str - which button to click, right or left
Well, that's all I have shown you. Sources of my program: Download .
A small video of the application:
- I don’t know why the cursor disappeared but in the previous. watching he was. Used Camtasia
- pressing hangs a little, my weak beech is guilty of this + Camtasia loaded the system well
- and yet, the accuracy of clicks depends on the correct determination of the position of the area for “clicking”
PS: I express my gratitude to my mother, who once asked me to come up with how to spend less time on the Merry Farm applications, but since she couldn’t refuse anything, I wrote this program. At first I had to teach her a little how to use the program, but now she is happy.
Thanks to all.