Collect a Visual Studio project into a single file using ILMerge
Usually the result of compiling a project is the assembly of the project, as well as its dependency (Referenced Assemblies). However, sometimes you want the result to be a single file, a single file, independent of other assemblies. For example, a simple utility that can be copied anywhere and it will work.
Relatively speaking after:
on Habré there is already a solution with embedding dependencies in resources, here I will show how to do this using ILMerge and Post Build Event in Visual Studio.
ILMerge - A program from Microsoft Research, which actually has the required functionality.
merge_all.bat - we will use it in the Post-build event.
Download and install ILMerge .
In the same place, create the file merge_all.bat
Add a line to [Project-> Properties-> Build Events-> Post-build event]:
All assemblies from $ output will merge into one. If Debug configuration is in $ output \ Output, if Release then as a result there will be only one file in $ output. Information about how the merger went and what problems were written in Visual Studio Output. Comments explain what happens inside. For example, in this case, the .NET 4 platform is selected.
From ILMerge :
Commercial use permitted:
The language of ILMerge's license has raised many questions. In a nutshell: commercial use is permitted, redistribution is not. Read the license carefully for full details since I am not (nor do I wish to be!) A lawyer.
That is, you can embed it in the assembly process, but you can’t distribute it with your product.
The open question remained about the license of the merged dlls.
Relatively speaking after:
compile App \ App.csproj dir App \ bin \ ReleaseIt turns out:
App.exe dep1.dll dep2.dllWe only need one self-sufficient
App.exeThat is, containing in itself
and dep2.dll
on Habré there is already a solution with embedding dependencies in resources, here I will show how to do this using ILMerge and Post Build Event in Visual Studio.
Source code
- github:
- Solution archive:
- bat file:
ILMerge - A program from Microsoft Research, which actually has the required functionality.
merge_all.bat - we will use it in the Post-build event.
Download and install ILMerge .
in the folder ${SolutionDir}ILMerge\
In the same place, create the file merge_all.bat
Add a line to [Project-> Properties-> Build Events-> Post-build event]:
"$(SolutionDir)\ILMerge\merge_all.bat" "$(SolutionDir)" "$(TargetPath)" $(ConfigurationName)
Contents merge_all.bat
All assemblies from $ output will merge into one. If Debug configuration is in $ output \ Output, if Release then as a result there will be only one file in $ output. Information about how the merger went and what problems were written in Visual Studio Output. Comments explain what happens inside. For example, in this case, the .NET 4 platform is selected.
rem # set .NET version and output folder name
set net="v4, C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319"
set output=Output
rem # process arguments
set ILMergeSolution=%1ILMerge\ILMerge.exe
rem # determine programm files of x86 for 32 and 64 Platform
IF EXIST "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%" set prorgammFiles=%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%
rem # if ILMerge.exe not in the $(SolutionDir)ILMerge\
rem # then try to use installed in prorgammFiles
IF EXIST %ILMergeSolution% set ILMerge="%ILMergeSolution%"
IF NOT EXIST %ILMergeSolution% set ILMerge=%prorgammFiles%\Microsoft\ILMerge\ILMerge.exe
set target_path=%2
set target_file=%~nx2
set target_dir=%~dp2
set ConfigurationName=%3
rem # set output path and result file path
set outdir=%target_dir%%output%
set result=%outdir%\%target_file%
rem # print info
@echo Start %ConfigurationName% Merging %target_file%.
@echo Target: %target_path%
@echo target_dir: %target_dir%
@echo Config: %ConfigurationName%
rem # recreate outdir
IF EXIST "%outdir%" rmdir /S /Q "%outdir%"
md "%outdir%"
rem # run merge cmd
@echo Merging: '"%ILMerge%" /wildcards /targetplatform:%net% /out:"%result%" %target_path% "%target_dir%*.dll"'
"%ILMerge%" /wildcards /targetplatform:%net% /out:"%result%" %target_path% "%target_dir%*.dll"
rem # if succeded
IF %ErrorLevel% EQU 0 (
rem # clear real output folder and put there result assembly
IF %ConfigurationName%==Release (
del %target_dir%*.*
del %target_dir%*.dll
del %target_dir%*.pdb
del %target_dir%*.xml
del %target_dir%*.*
copy %result% %target_dir%
rmdir /S /Q %outdir%
set result=%target_path%
@echo Result: %target_file% "-> %target_path%"
) ELSE (
@echo Result: %target_file% "-> %result%" )
set status=succeded
set errlvl=0
) ELSE (
set status=failed
set errlvl=1
@echo Merge %status%
exit %errlvl%
From ILMerge :
Commercial use permitted:
The language of ILMerge's license has raised many questions. In a nutshell: commercial use is permitted, redistribution is not. Read the license carefully for full details since I am not (nor do I wish to be!) A lawyer.
That is, you can embed it in the assembly process, but you can’t distribute it with your product.
The open question remained about the license of the merged dlls.
- beliakov : ILMerge memory eats like a hippo ... On a large number of assemblies
- braindamaged : ignores the key, which causes it, in turn, to ignore the assemblies and namespaces that are in the dependencies.
Similar tools
- aspnet_merge For ASP.NET
- NGen Create a local cache with dll
Related Materials
- Embedding in resources -
- As Visual Studio Project Target - http: // ...
- Another Target -
- Best practices -
- Simplest .bat -
- Advanced .bat -