Quick change network settings
I use my personal laptop at work and at home. To access the network, I have to change the network settings twice a day. Moreover, both at home and in the office there is a binding to the MAC address of the machine. Therefore, you also have to change the MAC in the properties of the network card.
To somehow automate this process, a command line and a search engine were launched. Details and the finished bat-file under the cut.
To change IP, the netsh utility is on the windows command line. More about what it is and what it is eaten on the wiki with .
To change the MAC address, I did not find standard tools (if there are any, specify, I will be grateful). Therefore, I used the Macshift program. You can download it from the official site .
Create a network.bat file with the contents: Pay attention to the beginning of the file, after the dom and rabota labels, enter your settings. Note: "echo _____" is used exclusively from aesthetic undertakings.
I placed the macshift program and the batch file in d: \ program \ network. And on the desktop brought out a shortcut to network.lnk. When you launch the shortcut, the batch file starts with the question of choosing settings. By clicking "1", we get the settings for the house, respectively, "2" - for the office.
Maybe someone will find this topic useful.
To somehow automate this process, a command line and a search engine were launched. Details and the finished bat-file under the cut.
To change IP, the netsh utility is on the windows command line. More about what it is and what it is eaten on the wiki with .
To change the MAC address, I did not find standard tools (if there are any, specify, I will be grateful). Therefore, I used the Macshift program. You can download it from the official site .
Batik lessons
Create a network.bat file with the contents: Pay attention to the beginning of the file, after the dom and rabota labels, enter your settings. Note: "echo _____" is used exclusively from aesthetic undertakings.
@echo off
set /p mesto="Выберите настройки (1 - дом, 2 - работа): "
echo Выбраны настройки - %mesto%
if %mesto% equ 2 goto rabota
set IFACE="local"
set IP=
set MASK=
set DNS1=
set MAC=001122334455
goto smena
set IFACE="local"
set IP=
set MASK=
set DNS1=
set MAC=221133004455
goto smena
echo Меняем MAC адрес на %MAC%
echo _____
macshift -i "local" %MAC%
echo _____
echo Устанавливаем IP адрес-%IP%
echo Маску подсети-%MASK%
echo Основной Шлюз-%GATEWAY%
netsh interface ip set address name=%IFACE% source=static addr=%IP% mask=%MASK% gateway=%GATEWAY% gwmetric=%GWMETRIC%
echo Устанавливаем основной DNS сервер %DNS1%
netsh interface ip set dns name=%IFACE% source=static addr=%DNS1% register=PRIMARY
echo Настройки сети изменены:
ipconfig /all
echo _____
Last preparations
I placed the macshift program and the batch file in d: \ program \ network. And on the desktop brought out a shortcut to network.lnk. When you launch the shortcut, the batch file starts with the question of choosing settings. By clicking "1", we get the settings for the house, respectively, "2" - for the office.
Maybe someone will find this topic useful.