"What is the answer point?" NEvizator's REVIEW. Atmotube and soldering

Hi, Habr! The next story about the product from the assortment of the company “Dadzhet” will again be in the format of the Oversight. That is, instead of repeating the already existing reviews, I will conduct an experiment with the device, which the previous reviewers have not conducted. In this case, I will experiment with Atmotube 2.0, namely, I will check what it will show if you solder next to it.
Let me remind you that the device is made on a CCS801 type sensor, which measures the total concentration of carbon monoxide and volatile organic compounds (VOC). So the device will not show the lead vapor concentration, so the result will be the same when soldering with both lead and lead-free solders. But it will show whether any harmful substance is released when the flux is heated. Since the temperature here is less than even in a device like Iqos, carbon monoxide is hardly part of the rosin smoke, and it consists almost entirely of VOC.
When the film “Kin-Dza-Dza” was shot, the very phrase “blue LED” seemed unshakable oxymoron. Now, however, it is possible to surprise an RGB-LED, except that the original from those times. But it shines through a hole of such small diameter that it involuntarily associates with the phrase: “which point answers,” only the palette has become wider. Also remind:

But the instructions confused such a warning:

Where did chlorine, sulfur oxides, and generally anything that causes corrosion in solder? The answer was given by the English instruction:

So, not solder, but flux, and even not any. And what flux can cause corrosion? Active. We do not indulge in such, only neutral ones. In addition, only prolonged exposure is dangerous for the device. One of the surveyors briefly brought the device to the exhaust pipe of a 45-year-old UAZ vehicle, where the concentration of sulfur oxide listed in the list resulted in an off scale. The device survived.
Well, I always have and what to patch, and what:

While the soldering iron is cold, the mood color is blue:

I'm starting to solder. Just on the table thirty centimeters from the soldering iron - blue, it turns green only if you hold it right above the stream of smoke from it.

Twenty minutes later it shows green and just on the table - the concentration of VOC in the room air has increased:

But ten-second (!) Airing was enough for the LED to turn blue again.

The soldering was effective, the lamp works “in principle” ...

And in the case:

I come to the kitchen, and there they are just going to use a toaster (no, not the one you thought about). I asked not to turn it on yet, I decided to see if there is a lot of VOC that produces toaster-heated bread. The “point” turned green, it was enough just to bring the appliance to the kitchen - perhaps carbon monoxide from a stove working two meters affected it, although the toaster is still off:

When the toaster worked the cycle and turned off, the color did not change:

But the danger level turned orange in about half a minute, although the toaster stayed off:

Then he went back to green, and in the room he went back to blue.
Thus, soldering may be putting the body at risk, but heavy metals make the main contribution. LOC, on the other hand, is less emitted during brazing than when working, for example, with a toaster or cooker.
As before, any competent blogger with a fairly large portfolio can participate in testing products from the “Dadzhet” company assortment. And on Atmotube, readers can get a ten percent discount on the Tormozatmo promo code by clicking on the link .