Webnames.ru helps ICANN solve problems with Cyrillic domains

    ICANN invited experts from Webnames.ru to participate in a study of issues related to the delegation of new Cyrillic root domains (IDN TLDs).

    Closer is the filing date for new root TLDs. If with English-speaking TLDs, everything is more or less clear, then additional research is required to start an application company for top-level domains in national languages. ICANN planned to conduct such a study before the end of 2011 with the involvement of experts from six language groups - Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, Indian, Greek and Latin.

    Each language group will consist of a Coordinator and experts in the field of local culture, language and registration technology. The project will also involve experts in DNS and security.

    Experts must work out solutions that can ensure the delegation of multilingual root domains that meet the interests of the entire world community.

    A closed organizational meeting of the Project participants and meetings of each of the six language groups to which Webnames.ru directors Sergey Sharikov and Alexey Sozonov are invited as members of the Cyrillic language group of the Project will be held at the ICANN Conference in Singapore on June 18 .

    “Inviting us as experts is not accidental - back in 2001 we were the first in Russia to introduce Russian-language domains. It is fair to admit that in the current success of the domain.RF and in the favorable position of ICANN in relation to Russian domains there is also our merit, ”said Alexey Sozonov.

    “We will make every effort so that the Internet community using Cyrillic can easily and safely delegate root domains in their native languages,” said Sergey Sharikov, author of the Guide for Registration and Administration of Cyrillic Domains .

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