Photoshop: save files automatically

Sooner or later, we all come across a situation where several hours of work in Photoshop are completely killed just because we proudly ignored the magic hotkey Ctrl + S, and our favorite image editor suddenly decided to retire, telling us about it uninformative , but a peppy tablet with the most sincere apologies, from which, however, it doesn’t get any iota.
For many years, Photoshop users have been waiting for the omnipotent Adobe to finally listen to their pleas and integrate the autosave function into the program. Years go by, and things are still there - the twelfth version is already in the yard, and autosave is not expected even in the distant plans. At the same time, no one canceled the program crash, computer freeze and power outage when the UPS was missing.
But not everything is lost - there is still a solution to this problem. A plugin called PsdAutoSaver ! A thing from the category must have for those who were not immediately born with the mantra "I always press Ctrl + S when making important changes to the file."
What can he do:
- You can specify the time intervals over which you want to save the file;
- Selectively save files based on their size;
- Select a folder to save file backups;
- Specify the number of copies of the file - you can have several versions of the file that differ in save time!

System requirements:
- Microsoft Windows: 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows 7
- Mac OSX 10.6 and later
- Photoshop 7, CS, CS2, CS3, CS4 (32 & 64 bit), CS5 (32 & 64 bit)
- Pentium4 1 GHz and higher
The only possible disappointment is that the Mac version only works with Photoshop CS5 and higher. Whereas the Windows version works with any version of Photoshop starting from the seventh.
The price of the plugin is $ 19, a 30-day trial is available.
Download PsdAutoSaver