Open webinar "Customer Journey: what traffic and where to lead"

    Colleagues, at the end of February of this year we are launching a new course "Traffic Manager" and have already begun to publish articles related to it. The next material was prepared on the basis of an open lesson, which took place just a few days ago.

    On it, we looked at the Customer Journey: from what moment it begins, what the main points the customer must reach, how the customer’s journey can be completed. We also talked about traffic channels and internet marketing tools, looked at examples of customer paths, and thought about which one was right for you.

    Lecturer - Andrei Gavrikov , CEO of the Kompleto marketing group .

    A few words about the tasks of marketing and the way the client

    Before embarking on the main topic of the open lesson, let's clarify the main task of marketing. It consists in formulating, creating and communicating to the consumer the value of our product or service that we sell . In order to convey this value, we must ensure that our potential customer follows the Customer Journey:

    Unfortunately, most domestic companies are only engaged in digitizing sales funnels, not the entire customer path. However, the sales funnel is only part of the steps in the interaction chain. But in order to digitize the client's path completely, it is necessary to build an e-marketing system in the company or, as it is also called, a digital marketing system:

    As you can see, we are talking about using a wide range of tools. As a result, you may have a logical question: “How not to get confused by the marketer, especially a beginner, in all the ways and diversity of digital marketing?”

    1. We understand the business model, the industry, the current situation in the company

    Let's imagine the situation that we are with you and marketers who have just come to the company and are trying to figure out how to digitize the client’s path. That is, we need primary data. The first thing to do is to figure out what kind of company this is, for the benefit of which we will work. To do this, hold briefings and get answers to the following questions:

    1. Who are we, what are we, what are we selling to whom, and who are we not selling to?
    2. Market share, current location.
    3. Is there a company development strategy in writing?
    4. Planned financial indicators of business growth (according to the strategy)?
    5. Is there a marketing strategy and tactic in writing?
    6. Is there a communication strategy that is reflected in advertising for this year?
    7. Do you build a brand? Is there a brand platform (that is, any facts on the basis of which the design, slogan and communication strategy is built)?
    8. Goals and objectives set for marketing (and, in particular, Internet marketing) for the next year, three, five.
    9. Potential customers, customer base and its management.
    10. Indicators for further media planning and choice of development vector.
    11. Working with the target group - feedback, how the client is changing.
    12. Do you have a sales department / call center? Work algorithm?
    13. Book sales or some kind of sales standards, issued in writing there?
    14. How relevant are pre-sales? Do you carry out after-sales?
    15. What is the average term for concluding a deal with a new company from scratch?
    16. Is there a strong seasonality in your business? Which product segments are which?
    17. Is there a CRM? What is she like? Do all of your customers lead there? What is there fix?
    18. Do you find CLV by channels and customer segments?
    19. Is CRM linked to online orders? Do online orders arrive in CRM?
    20. Do you have a customized IR telephony within the company? Is she related to CRM? Are conversations recorded with the sales department / call center?
    21. A list of all your sites, what tasks do they perform?
    22. Are there advertising campaigns and SEO promotion on the Internet? And what are they?
    23. What are the total budgets currently allocated for online marketing?
    24. What are your internal Internet marketing employees (including content managers and others)?
    25. Is there now some kind of search engine core, chosen by you or for you?
    26. How many receive calls, electronic applications, email from the Internet? Data for 3-6 months.
    27. How many sales in rubles generates the Internet? How did you find out? Data for 3-6 months.

    And this is only part of the questions that need to be answered.

    2. We formulate goals that we will achieve in our Digital-strategy

    If everything is presented metaphorically, Digital goals are formed from the general marketing of the company, which, in turn, are formed from the general business goals:

    Global business is a topic for another conversation, so let's touch only the upper edge of the marketing story. Here we must understand that any company moves on one of the existing marketing strategies:

    • differentiation strategy - creating a unique product in the industry;
    • The best price strategy is the creation of the best price for the customer due to the company achieving the lowest possible cost level
    • focusing strategy - the choice of a narrow niche and work only in it;
    • trust relationship strategy - we build strong relationships with customers;
    • best product strategy - we make the best product in the industry.

    It is always important to be aware of the strategy your company is following.

    So, we formulate the goals of e-marketing. Examples:

    • reduce the time to service current customers from 4 hours per month per customer to 30 minutes;
    • generation of initial calls to the company up to 400 per month;
    • generation of repeated calls to the company up to 200 per month;
    • Search for 4 new sales regions;
    • attracting 75 new dealers;
    • sales increase at current dealers by 30%.

    3. Select the CA segments

    The next point is to highlight segments of the target audience. We are interested in people at the expense of whom we will achieve our goals, that is, the people with whom we will inflict irreparable benefits on our product)). To do this, we need to concentrate on them, describe their portrait and needs.


    • we select "our" segments (the more, the better);
    • we select those with whom we do NOT work exactly (anti-segments);
    • inside "our" segments we distinguish decision-makers and those influencing them;
    • for all "persons" we dig for true needs and pains. We do not listen to anyone except themselves and search queries.

    When we have decided on the necessary segments, we develop a typical character within each segment, create an “avatar” of the client.

    However, there are cases when we do not know our Central Asia and cannot understand who our client is.

    The following basic steps can clarify the situation:

    1. Analysis of demand in search engines.
    2. Analysis of mentions in social networks and viewing the portrait of the representative of Central Asia.
    3. Conduct surveys on thematic resources.
    4. Order research in marketing agencies.
    5. Buying ready-made research.
    6. Focus groups and survey of their clients.
    7. Analysis of own client database.

    By understanding the segments of the target audience, we understand the achievable market volume:

    4. Find the channels with the target audience.

    The next task of a marketer is to find channels with a target audience, to study the types and size of demand in a digital environment. That is, we must find all points of contact with our Central Asia. For example, the creation of a demand card of all kinds will help a lot:

    There is a product, there are services, there are phrases for which people are looking for us, there is a generated demand. And there are requests for information, when people are not yet ripe for ordering these services, but they are looking for information that precedes the ordering of these same services. Our task is to find the maximum possible number of points of contact with a potential client. To do this, we conduct research in social networks, where our audience “hangs out”, we study advertising networks, watch targeting and so on and so forth.

    5. Competitor analysis

    Competitors need to be analyzed in order to learn their USP, marketing strategy, marketing and sales tools, budgets.

    The main points are as follows:

    • List of competitors (direct, indirect, foreign, depending on the level of development).
    • Prices.
    • Range.
    • Positioning
    • USP.
    • Central segments.
    • Geography of customers of competitors.
    • Do participate in conferences, ratings.
    • Consist of industry associations.
    • Are there holding companies, are there any subsidiary projects.
    • The study of the secret buyer.
    • How did the site and the promotion of competitors for the entire time of their presence on the Internet.
    • Research trends on the popularity of the brand competitors.
    • Analysis of tender sites.
    • Analysis of advertising channels used with the help of special services.
    • List of all queries for search marketing (SEO and contextual advertising).
    • Collection of text ads for contextual advertising.
    • Analysis of email distribution.
    • Search for the most popular content in the blog and on the website among competitors.
    • Detailed analysis of groups in social networks with the help of special services and their own pens and eyes.
    • The study of advertising creatives that competitors use in social networks.
    • Monitoring of profile communities.
    • Subscribe to opinion leaders and competitors from the industry on social networks.
    • Video content analysis of competitors.
    • Monitoring references to competitors on the Internet.
    • Studying customer and employee feedback.
    • Analysis of the site in terms of usability, marketing, elements of involvement, retention and conversion.
    • Analysis of installed systems and analytics services.
    • Summary table for all competitors by key metrics.
    • Detailed dossier for each competitor with its features and nuances.
    • Setting up constant monitoring of competitors, the completion of the dossier and pivot table with fresh data.

    6. We work on USP (unique selling proposition)

    The study is necessary to build up from the competitors and “pack” the product under our target audience. At this stage, novice marketers often make the same mistake, confusing positioning and TSS. Here it is necessary to understand two main points:

    1. Positioning is a company.

    2. UTP is a product.

    Consider the example of the UTP for the above product (snowmobile). Please note that our offer is tailored for each segment of the target audience:

    1) MES:

    • proven quality, already more than 6 machines purchased;
    • moves easily from water to ice;

    2) hunters:

    • You can hunt a company of 6 people;
    • in the cabin warm, you can lay low;

    3) oilmen:

    • will pass where no other transport will pass;
    • high level of comfort;

    4) extreme sports:

    • speed up to 140 km per hour by water and land;
    • climbs steep climbs;

    5) fishermen:

    • fishing at any time of the year;
    • low fuel consumption;
    • easy to repair.

    7. Audit Digital

    The next step is to conduct an audit of what we have now. This is important for understanding what we lack and how to improve it.

    Types of audits of the current structure of digital marketing:

    • technical audit;
    • SEO audit;
    • usability audit;
    • web analytics audit;
    • lead analysis from digital.

    And only now, using all the data obtained in the previous stages , we can digitize the client's path, make a tactical and media plan, financial model.

    8. Making a strategy

    The customer path is a marketing concept that arose for obvious reasons. It is no secret that every client passes through certain stages in his mind (and then in physical condition): from the moment he lives and does not think that he has a problem, until he is ready to recommend to his friends and familiar specific product that he considers cool and necessary. In most cases, the path of the client is a rather lengthy process , although there are exceptions. The stages are individual in different segments of Central Asia, on different products and at different stages of market development.

    In general, the stages of the client's path can be represented by the following picture:

    1. Formation needs. We have to sow grain so that the client thinks that the problem exists, he realizes it.
    2. Searching of decisions. When the client has realized the problem, he begins to look for a solution. Our task is to give an answer, show the expertise, build the mechanics of collecting leads at different points of contact (email, social networks, author columns, Youtube channel, retargeting base).
    3. Evaluation of alternatives. The client collects information, compares. It begins to "ripen", so you need to send targeted traffic to the point of contact. It is important to turn the site into a “vacuum cleaner” of traffic.
    4. Making decisions. The client is finally “ripe”, it's time to “pick it off from the branch”. Our task is to make him happy and sell him the product he needs. It is necessary to consider all the nuances and options for receiving applications from the client.
    5. Use and evaluation. Here we work on LTV. The client must be satisfied with our product, get positive impressions, share these impressions with others.

    This is not all, so it's better to watch the video completely. You will get acquainted with the steps of digitizing the client's path in more detail and with specific examples. You will also see a lot of additional information that can be useful to both a novice marketer and a specialist with experience.

    Leave a comment and do not miss the open day of the course "Traffic Manager"!

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