Hypothetical development courses. For everyone, everything and everything

    I'll start from afar.

    Once, when I was still in school, a class at 8, the basics of HTML began in our computer science class. The task was simple: first, compose one HTML page using basic tags, and then compose several pages with a common theme (I selected an article on the development of the Soviet computer industry). Of course, the teacher explained the meaning and use of standard tags and generally chewed some basis. But for me, already planning to devote my life to IT, this was not enough.

    Then I turned to books and the Internet. At that time, both that and another did not give any complete complex of relevant and understandable knowledge. Books, for the most part, are translated from English, calculated on an equally English-speaking audience. And the Western style (not even the type) of thinking has little in common with ours, which is still Soviet. (Take, for example, the love of presentations that we still haven’t fully understood.) The result was predictable - in my head, a typical schoolboy, the two learning paradigms were mixed up, which simply confused me with typos and rapidly aging materials.

    The Internet was more supportive and gave a squeeze on specifically asked questions. But, firstly, the question had to be asked correctly, and given that it was not easy to formulate it, there was little sense. And, secondly, the Internet ... let's just say that this is not a very reliable source of this information, since keeping it up to date is a bit lazy for everyone, and mistakes and understatements, due to laziness and lack of professionalism, hit him hard on the head.

    Even then, unconscious impulses of the type “If you want to do well - do it yourself” began to arise in me, but they came to a conscious form only recently. I tried to find good, high-quality courses on the latest version of ActionScript for the latest version of Adobe Creative Suite, in Russian, preferably with a video application. Incredibly, but I was so unable to find a solution satisfying me.

    But why not do it all yourself? Why not write courses in all known programming languages, in accessible Russian, with the help and support of school teachers, university teachers? It was strange for me to realize that no one had done this yet.

    Of course, this is a huge job. It is necessary not only to write a course, but to find what senior professionals say on the topic, ask them to check the information, add some clarifications, make amendments. If you are honest, you will also need teachers and teachers who can take a sober look at the material and evaluate its complexity, consistency, methodology, the amount of time needed to assimilate it, and break down the content. Well-coordinated work of proofreaders and professional editors is needed, which will be able to identify and correct all errors, both actual and grammatical, stylistic, punctuation. And all this is for only one course.

    But what can be achieved in the end? You can compose ideal training manuals for professional personnel in the field of IT. If such an initiative was promoted by large companies such as Yandex, Google Russia, Intel Russia, Rambler Media, Mail.ru Group, serious universities like ITMO, Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, LETI, Polytech, their students and teachers, local professional groups like Linux User Group, Microsoft Certified Professionals, if the state had noticed and accepted such an initiative at the level of the Ministry of Education ... Who knows, perhaps our perestroika defeat in the field of everything related to computers could be slightly offset by a strong methodological base?

    A clearer picture of what I would like to achieve and exactly how to do it began to slowly line up in my head:

    • To write material on their own and by volunteers who are interested in this idea. Among these people, you can safely bring teachers to educational institutions throughout the CIS - there are only those who are attracted to the idea of ​​teaching, and not money and fame. The professional sphere itself is also important - one of the characteristics of geeks is not only the manic desire for something new, but also the desire to share knowledge and experience, and local communities of enthusiasts to stick to this.
    • Material should be free for everyone. In this connection, an obligatory condition for licensing works under Creative Commons comes.
    • The work should be carried out on the basis of Wikipedia, in which each participant can contribute according to strength, ability and level of competence. Although completely copying the style of Wikipedia is categorically disastrous: letting the appearance of low-quality material go by any means is impossible.
    • Financial and resource support is needed. It is likely that IT companies and educational institutions, if they do not want to participate on their own, can agree to provide some assistance if you contact them directly. For example, some professors from St. Petersburg ITMO, Polytechnics and LETI give lectures at the AMSE and at the same time are employees of Google and Yandex. There is also a Computer Science Club based on the RAS.

    Even though I dumped everything in a heap, and thoughts turned out even over the edge, but I have already begun minor shifts in the process. I purchased VPS hosting on reg.ru, registered codeloop.org domain in r01, started transferring courses from W3Shools.com with the aim of their subsequent modification and concatenation with other specialized courses. I reached a preliminary agreement with the teachers of IT departments of St. Petersburg Technological, Electrotechnical Universities, as well as the University of Service and Economics, although so far I have nothing to show them. I began to write a HTML course from scratch, with an eye on the level of grade 9 of a comprehensive school, where the discipline "Informatics" is in fact absent.

    But there were some questions that I would like to ask the habrahabr.ru community and the readers of the portal (you can answer a@batollo.ru).

    How attractive do you find this idea for yourself?
    Would you be interested in the appearance of such a resource?
    Would you like to take part in such work, provided there is no financial compensation, on pure enthusiasm? What could you advise for the success of the venture?
    What engine would it be worth using a self-made one, MediaWiki with deep modifications, dokuwiki, something else?
    What could you add as additional ideas?
    What disadvantages do you see in this approach?

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