What social networks to look for customers

imageHello, dear readers of Habr. I want to share with you one simple way to determine which social networks to look for customers.

For research, we will use the following social networks: VKontakte, Facebook, My World and Classmates. Which network brings us the most delicious customers and which one needs to work hardest?

To answer this question you need to understand which of these networks are more popular among users. The first idea was to make an option so that users could specify links to their profiles in their profile. Done. Users were not willing to add their data, and wait a long time until it all worked.
Another idea came: I noticed that in each of these social networks, there is an option - invite a friend who imports the email address book and shows you that there are already such users, but you can invite these.

To get started, I collected the addresses of users who at least once made a payment. Over the past year, there were 609. I
got mail on mail.ru, and imported the address book from my addresses there. I chose mail - because in recent events, Facebook does not allow importing from gmail.

Within 10 minutes, I already got about the following picture:


As you can see, most have an account in VKontakte and MyMirMir, then Facebook and Odnoklassniki go next. Well, everything is basically as I expected, because VKontakte is already the most popular among them. Perhaps there you need to look?

But let's not rush. Now I want to know how many payments the users of each of these social networks made. To do this, we need to associate the user's email with the number of payments. Everything would be fine, but classmates don’t show us the emails of the users that were found, their names are simply written there, but 60 address records that can be invited are displayed. Therefore, for a long time and with confidence, by repeating these 60 addresses from our address book, we repeat the operation again and again. Until users of classmates remain in the address book. Here it is better to use gmail since it is very convenient to work with the address book there and much faster than with mailru.

Having compiled statistics, I got the following picture:


If it happened that the user was in several networks, then I counted his payments to all of his social services. networks.

Units are the internal currency that users buy.
Units per user - this is how many units on average each user bought.
Total operations - this is the number of purchases made by the user.
Units per operation - this is the average number of units that the user buys per purchase.

And what do we see? The exact opposite picture to my first conclusion. As it turned out, at least classmates have less than all users, nevertheless, the purchasing power is the highest. Each user bought an average of 74 units, which is 1.2 times higher than VKontakte purchasing power. And at one time the user buys an average of 10 units, which is almost 2 times more than other social networks. networks.

I also made statistics on payment methods: SMS are leading. The most profitable types of payment for me are Paypal and "Others" as we see their share in Odnoklassniki is also the highest.

Conclusion for this case: concentrate all your strength on Odnoklassniki.

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