Instead of fake antiviruses, hackers create fake defragmenters
Here, in general, it’s time to recall the name of the poem by A.S. Pushkin "What is in my name to you?". In our case, only the names and “classification” of malicious software differ, the essence is the same - infection of the client PC, and the more computers will be infected, the better. Previously, network security experts raised the topic of fake antiviruses more than once or twice, so this information seems to have reached even the most naive and inexperienced users who were afraid of the single word “antivirus”, afraid to download unknown programs offering “scan” from the Network computer. " How this software checks the computer is known. All in all, the era of fake antiviruses seems to be ending. But another era begins - fake defragmenters.
According to all the same computer security experts, over the past week the Web has become full of fake defragmenters, absolutely, of course, free. It must be assumed that hackers similarly switch to a new scheme of work, without departing from the general principles of a previously debugged scheme. Of course, most of these "defragmenters" are designed for naivety of Windows users.
Currently, the most common "defragmenters" such as HDDRepair, HDDRescue or HDDPlus and some others. All these “programs” are literally packed with malware, which is by no means intended to defragment. It is worth noting that hackers thus make the second round in the evolution of "defragmenters", since previously such a scheme of work has already been undertaken, only programs called UltraDefragger, ScanDisk, Defrag Express, WinHDD. There were other names, but these are the most popular. By the way, hackers do not hesitate to appoint a fee for their software, asking for a "license" from 10 to 20 dollars. Thus, the user who downloaded the malware first pays for it, and then also receives a trojan for his computer.
It is clear that experienced users will distinguish a fake product from the real one. The main sign of fake is that the size of the installation file of the fake defragmenter was minimized by hackers - in some cases, up to a megabyte. But almost any real defragmenter has a size of more than a few megabytes, sometimes much larger. In addition, sites that distribute malicious software often fall into the stop list of popular browsers in a matter of days, so if the browser says that you should not go to the site, you should listen to it.
In general, this warning, of course, is not for Habr users, it is unlikely that anyone from the habrasociety will download such a file in the hope of bringing the data on their hard drive in order. But the information is interesting - a clear indicator that "the hacker is not sleeping." I wonder what will happen next time? Fake software with a “download money here” button?
According to all the same computer security experts, over the past week the Web has become full of fake defragmenters, absolutely, of course, free. It must be assumed that hackers similarly switch to a new scheme of work, without departing from the general principles of a previously debugged scheme. Of course, most of these "defragmenters" are designed for naivety of Windows users.
Currently, the most common "defragmenters" such as HDDRepair, HDDRescue or HDDPlus and some others. All these “programs” are literally packed with malware, which is by no means intended to defragment. It is worth noting that hackers thus make the second round in the evolution of "defragmenters", since previously such a scheme of work has already been undertaken, only programs called UltraDefragger, ScanDisk, Defrag Express, WinHDD. There were other names, but these are the most popular. By the way, hackers do not hesitate to appoint a fee for their software, asking for a "license" from 10 to 20 dollars. Thus, the user who downloaded the malware first pays for it, and then also receives a trojan for his computer.
It is clear that experienced users will distinguish a fake product from the real one. The main sign of fake is that the size of the installation file of the fake defragmenter was minimized by hackers - in some cases, up to a megabyte. But almost any real defragmenter has a size of more than a few megabytes, sometimes much larger. In addition, sites that distribute malicious software often fall into the stop list of popular browsers in a matter of days, so if the browser says that you should not go to the site, you should listen to it.
In general, this warning, of course, is not for Habr users, it is unlikely that anyone from the habrasociety will download such a file in the hope of bringing the data on their hard drive in order. But the information is interesting - a clear indicator that "the hacker is not sleeping." I wonder what will happen next time? Fake software with a “download money here” button?