SSD on steroids: 1400/1500 MB / s read / write
The company recently PhotoFast announced SSD «for discerning gamers» - PhotoFast the Power Drive-the LSI (to EN)

OS bootable (I wonder how many boot win7?)
Speed reading and writing data of 1400 and 1500 MB / s, respectively.
Interface: x8 PCI-Express 2.0
Cache: DDR2 512 MB
Flash memory type: MLC
MTBF: 1.5 million hours.
The disk will be available in three versions:
240 GB - $ 1670,
480 GB - $ 2360,
960 GB - $ 4300
Shipment only started at the end of November, the order can be made here Test
results on TheSSDReview.com

I think this device will be relevant for ardent fans of heavy online games like Battlefield Bad Company 2, where the principle of "who first booted is that and slippers" applies. Now for only $ 1670 you don’t have to worry that someone will take away your favorite tank / helicopter or armored personnel carrier in front of you :-)

OS bootable (I wonder how many boot win7?)
Speed reading and writing data of 1400 and 1500 MB / s, respectively.
Interface: x8 PCI-Express 2.0
Cache: DDR2 512 MB
Flash memory type: MLC
MTBF: 1.5 million hours.
The disk will be available in three versions:
240 GB - $ 1670,
480 GB - $ 2360,
960 GB - $ 4300
Shipment only started at the end of November, the order can be made here Test
results on TheSSDReview.com

I think this device will be relevant for ardent fans of heavy online games like Battlefield Bad Company 2, where the principle of "who first booted is that and slippers" applies. Now for only $ 1670 you don’t have to worry that someone will take away your favorite tank / helicopter or armored personnel carrier in front of you :-)