Platform 2011. Already tomorrow


    I am writing these lines from the World Trade Center, where the plenary report is being rehearsed with Microsoft Vice President Eric Radder.

    Almost everything is ready to open the Platform windows for the twelfth time - an event that is the main (without marketing exaggeration) in the life of the Russian branch of Microsoft. I think that sleepless nights ( about how it was ) were not in vain and we have something to tell and show you.

    And we will speak and show in the broadcast on the site . 70 reports in 7 sessions - all the details about our products, experience in their implementation and development with their help from Microsoft technical experts and our partners.

    The main focus will be on cloud products (Azure, Office 365), Windows Phone 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 and Internet Explorer 9. For convenience, I would advise you to create a personal broadcast schedule - this will help you switch to the right room in time.

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