India develops its own operating system

    There have been jokes about Indian programmers for a long time - in principle, there is some truth in these jokes, but more, of course, fiction. In the near future (although it is not yet known how soon) we will have a chance to check how seriously Indian programmers can work - in this country work is underway on our own operating system. Yes, the national OS is entering the arena again, only this time - the Indian one. The Indians are developing an operating system in order to create a reliable system of protection against hackers and various threats.

    As usual, the Defense Research and Development Organization, which is a subordinate structure of the Ministry of Defense of this country, is engaged in the development of the Organization close to the state apparatus. Of course, statesmen and officials of various ranks do not themselves develop a system, various companies from various cities of India are involved in the work on the project. In addition, technical schools in India, for the most part, are involved in the project.

    Indians emphasize the importance of creating their own operating system in the light of the appearance of more and more cyber threats, most of which are aimed at stealing various data, both personal and corporate. It is clear that at present in India (as in the vast majority of other countries) OSs are used, sponsored by Western companies. These operating systems, according to Indian representatives of the project, do not meet many criteria for network security, so you have to "reinvent the wheel", the inscriptions on the frame of which will now be in Hindi or Sanskrit.

    Unfortunately, from the words of the head of this project it is not at all clear what kind of system this will be - either they will write it from scratch, or they will take the Linux OS as the basis (in the latter case, the notorious BolgenOS is somehow sharply recalled). The creators of the Indian national OSes believe that if they create this system, and they have all the keys and architecture of the system, then it will be difficult for hackers to penetrate into the bowels of such a system. Well, wait - we'll see ...


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