Hard Bookmarking Service

    Recently, looking through my bookmarks, I found that many of them are dead. Among them were habrazakladki. And this is not surprising: someone from the habra-people simply decided to put their article in draft copies, considering it unworthy or because it does not tolerate criticism in the comments, in another case, something happened to the site engine, the article of which we bookmarked - as a result, without warning, the link has changed, which can not be found. Fortunately, if you have time to read at least once and echoes of useful and practical information are preserved in your memory. But it also happens that we just read the introduction, realized that the article would be interesting to us, and to read it it is better to free up a calmer time, add it to your bookmarks (no matter how we use it for this), and finding time to read the desired article turns out to be ,
    There was an idea of ​​a service that would allow you to “parse” a page of a site on which important information is published and save not just a link to this article, but its entire contents. It is not bad if the service saved only the contents of the article, without unnecessary husks on the site: advertising, menu blocks, header, etc. It would also be nice if the images used in the article were also saved in the same service, since sometimes screenshots and photos in the article have a more significant semantic load than the text description. The functionality of such a service should be extremely simple: we insert a link to the page on which the necessary article is located in the notorious field, and the service itself parses the contents and saves it. Naturally, such a service will require registration. And in the future, if the service finds the required number as a fan, you can make a fashionable button,

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