"[Source not specified 168 days]" on the front page of an offline cover
The Moscow-Italian edition placed on the front page of the illustrated notebook an uncritically taken copy of a fragment of the Wikipedia article on eared seals; as a result, the litter “[source not specified 168 days]” became part of the text:
This blunder was noticed today in the ru_marazm LJ community .
Today, Wikipedia removed the appropriate litter (and the entire text “vulture” indicated by it, as not confirmed by external sources). To date, the source has remained unspecified for more than 460 days.
![show whole [source not specified 168 days]](https://habrastorage.org/getpro/habr/post_images/0d3/8af/410/0d38af41015fe17dda1f33d1983c1b56.gif)
![show whole [source not specified 168 days]](https://habrastorage.org/getpro/habr/post_images/0d3/8af/410/0d38af41015fe17dda1f33d1983c1b56.gif)