Autoinstall CMS MODx Revolution (APS package)

    MODx is not of interest to the first year, it is one of the ten (if not five) most popular open source CMS. Frankly, it is not clear why for Joomla, Drupal, WordPress, TYPO3 (there are more than 200 web applications in total), found a place, but not for MODx. So we decided to arrange a small revolution and place MODx Revolution APS catalog for free.

    Now the APS package is ready.

    Not so long ago, we promised the community in the comments to the article Revolution begins today that we will prepare the APS package MODx Revolution and, as earlier for the domestic open source project CMS Livestreet , we will post it on in a public directory. A Parallels certificate gives you this right.

    Unfortunately, we did not receive a response from MODx, LLC to requests through a form on the MODx website. Therefore, they published the question of allowing the publication of the MODx APS package on the official forum ( here is the Russian version ).

    About the preparation of the package, we already told the Habr using the LS example , therefore, I will not repeat it. In short, the APS package is a tool for automatically deploying web applications, and is the public directory for all hosting providers.

    Now installing MODx from Parallels Plesk looks like this:


    You can select the language, site name, usernames / passwords, etc. - and get a working site on MODx (if necessary - with an example site - MODx Sample Site). Result .

    This is a demo site data, it is only in English. But in the admin panel is already Russian .

    We ask MODx developers and users to take part in testing the package and, if you consider it necessary, unsubscribe at the official forum in support of the publication of the package.
    For testing, it is enough to get free access and you can install MODx, this is really done literally in one click from Plesk.
    Suggestions for the composition of the package and comments are welcome! Thanks in advance.

    So far, information about the MODx APS package is only on our website . But we hope that approval will be obtained, MODx will be presented at and MODx will become even more famous in Russia (and not only).
    PS: CMS Livestreet from downloaded in 2 months almost 1000 times! Moreover, most of the downloads were most likely done by hosting companies, which now provided the opportunity to automatically install Livestreet to all their customers.

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